Example sentences of "[pron] was [noun] on her " in BNC.

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1 There was dismay on her face , now .
2 She looked as if she was still asleep … but there was blood on her breast .
3 There was blood on her face and she was shaking like a leaf .
4 There was sunshine on her face , an unusual sensation in March , and she felt light-hearted now that the snake and its co-operative victim had withdrawn .
5 There was salt on her lips and in her hair , and a fine white film covered her limbs , stiffening the skin .
6 She wore a white apron , the sleeves of her dress were rolled up , showing big , fair , freckled arms , and there was flour on her hands .
7 It was Marie on her way home , her cycle slowed down as she took in the interesting spectacle , and Jenna looked up , startled , catching the gleam in the girl 's eyes .
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