Example sentences of "[pron] was [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would have given my right arm to have achieved such an agreement when I was Minister for Aviation between 1984 and 1987 .
2 The early experience of ESAs that I had when I was Minister for Agriculture , Fisheries and Food showed the policy to be important , helpful and constructive .
3 Mr. Redwood , who was Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities before the latest Cabinet re-shuffle , is an enthusiastic supporter of public and private partnerships in the rejuvenation of urban areas .
4 Local government was inefficient and lacked leaders of calibre ; the civil service was too amateurish ; the House of Commons needed a strong committee system ; policy coordination and planning were poor ; and many felt that there was scope for reform with respect to the redress of individual grievances against the state .
5 Faced with a much reduced market for heavy trucks in Europe ( including the UK ) in the early part of the 1980s , talks were began between Leyland Vehicles and GM 's Bedford Trucks in 1984 to see if there was scope for collaboration between the two companies .
6 There was opportunity for maladministration in terms of both efficiency and peculation .
7 Therefore , while there was support for hunger marches and the General Strike , there was nearly always an emphasis placed upon the constitutional nature of such conflict and , in any case , the working-class interests were always operated through the trade unions to the Labour Party , which emphasized its acceptance of parliamentary politics .
8 There was support for coalition in the North and in Scotland , where local cooperation was pushing back municipal socialism in 1920–21 , and also in Birmingham , where Austen Chamberlain traded on the family name and Neville brooded uneasily on the course of events .
9 The form of mills had developed only slowly since the Middle Ages , but by the middle of the eighteenth century the technology of wind and water power was being investigated scientifically and there was competition for mill sites because of enlarging industrial needs .
10 Suddenly there was competition for capital , and interest rates rose .
11 In the BUF itself there was money for propaganda publications , including Action , Blackshirt , Fascist Weekly and Fascist Quartetly .
12 For others it could be a pleasant existence if places were available and there was room for flexibility and experiment in provision .
13 But she admits there was room for rationalization in other areas ; ‘ at first clothes were never costed properly ; in fact we may have been underpricing ’ , she explained , ‘ but for Laura the most important thing was that everyone was working happily together ’ .
14 And erm later on let's see f when the war started and I mean they wanted cheap labour and all that , there was room for apprentice .
15 The defence QC , Robert Henderson , asked PC Fraser whether there was room for misunderstanding over what Sutherland had said .
16 I always felt that there was room for improvement in top management .
17 Amid the disillusionment felt by some , that the minority of farmers are spoiling it for the rest in not keeping the environment clean , one manufacturer at least , hopes not dampened by the weather , felt there was room for optimism .
18 No doubt there was room for argument as to whether in 1923 it was still possible to have a peer as Conservative Prime Minister .
19 Thus when there was demand for training youth in drama the holder of the purse , the government , turned for advice not to educationalists , not to speech and drama experts ( although there was some overlap here ) , but to a small group of charismatic figures who for decades had been promoting community drama of one sort or another , promoting it by giving advice , by running courses , by setting up drama libraries of play-texts , by making links with professional theatre , by popularising competitive festivals .
20 There was murder for gain , and for the most trivial and pointless reasons , often for hardly any reason at all .
21 Fru Gertlinger sent a message via Fru Møller to say that in future , when there was steak for dinner , she would prepare a more easily digestible dish for Miss Danziger .
22 And there was consolation for No 8 Ben Clarke , who has been selected for England .
23 There was time for sightseeing in Bath which was most enjoyable despite the weather and the last night party went with a swing with marvellous entertainment from amongst our fellow course participants .
24 We were through before there was time for nervousness .
25 SHOPPERS in Newcastle and the MetroCentre found there was Time for School when the department of Education and Science Roadshow hit the NorthEast .
26 There was need for restraint … .
27 IF EVER there was need for proof of the quality of Welsh publishing these days , three recently published colourful hardbacks , superbly illustrated from Wales University Press provide ample evidence .
28 IF ever there was need for proof of the quality of Welsh publishing these days , three recently published colourful hardbacks , superbly illustrated from Wales University Press provide ample evidence .
29 In his opening address on 29 September the pope rejected the notion , common since Vatican I , that the authority of the pontiff alone was sufficient to govern the Church , and listed the four aims of the Council : that the Church should have a clearer idea of its own nature ; that there was need for renewal ; that Christians of all denominations be brought closer together ( he apologized for the Catholic Church 's own failings in its relations with non-Catholics ) ; and finally , the need for dialogue between Church and world .
30 Still , there was reason for optimism .
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