Example sentences of "[pron] is being [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Much of the work which is being undertaken is dependent on government funding and , of necessity , is required to provide material which fits current political philosophy .
2 — Margaret Thatcher ‘ Although it is uncomfortable , the note which is being sounded is not bad ; it is one of being prepared to take occasionally rough and unpopular decisions in the belief that they will work through successfully . ’
3 ] Therefore , the service which is being provided is expressed in general terms , the exact details being left until a later date [ …
4 ‘ Care and attention to ensure proper guarding , maintenance of guards and an understanding of machinery which is being used is vitally important .
5 loss of or damage to equipment contents or personal effects by burglary housebreaking or theft while the Caravan or private car by which it is being drawn is left unattended without being closed and locked
6 Although I rate El Tel very highly I think one of the reasons he is being picked is that no money will have to change hands .
7 A partnership connotes a business relationship , whereas what is being sought is institutionalization of a domestic relationship .
8 The paragraph should , in my judgment , be amended so as to make clear that what is being sought is an order for steps to be taken restoring all the parties to the respective transactions to their former position .
9 Second , the idea of self help obscures the fact that what is being sought are facilities on the cheap , incorporating the unpaid labour c.f mothers themselves …
10 In reality , what is being funded is not interactive video but a solution to an urgent educational problem .
11 Whatever uses it may serve within descriptive linguistics , and there is clearly some advantage in dividing up and abstracting fields of study for specific purposes , it is quite a different matter to then take such abstract categories as ‘ language-systems ’ rather than language uses as the basis for cross-cultural comparison , particularly when what is being compared is such a socially charged concept as ‘ objectivity ’ .
12 That is , it is unclear whether what is being maintained is that our conception of effects is of unnecessitated events or that we should change it to that .
13 Charity salves our conscience , allows us to feel that something is being done , that what is being done is sufficient , and that we have played our part in doing it .
14 What is being done is to argue that the failures were of the order to suggest that Bukharin had been correct in his prediction before the event , not after it .
15 He further demonstrates that what is being tested is often the social conventions of a dominant class , rather than universal logic .
16 What is being said is that God 's love makes its home in human beings and that it seeks to be replicated and brought to completion within them .
17 For the nation , what is being said is that unprecedented revival is coming and exceeding any ever seen before .
18 For a closer analysis shows that what is really being talked about in such propositions is not men or dragons , but the concept man and the concept dragon , and what is being said is that certain things fall under the former concept , whereas the latter concept is empty .
19 What is being said is that the recipient of confidential information can not use the information as a shortcut to side-step the work which other members of the public would have to do .
20 What is being said is that it 's intended to keep what 's regarded as a highly successful regime going on existing lines .
21 If so , there is a validity problem , in that what is being studied is laboratory behaviour rather than natural behaviour .
22 What is being asked is this .
23 In such cases , if what is being transferred is a part only of the business , the employee may well prefer to assert a claim to continue employment with the transferor in the retained parts of the business this was the stance of the employees in Katsikas .
24 A major drawback to a satisfactory analysis of the implementation of care programming is the ‘ moving target ’ factor : what is being observed is a process in flux , so that none of our conclusions can be definitive or generalizable .
25 What is being defended is not simply the position of individuals in group A against challenge by outsiders .
26 It is tempting to think that what is being attempted is some sort of solar containment , trapping the power of the sun and storing for energy .
27 Pastiche is , like parody , the imitation of a peculiar or unique style , the wearing of a stylistic mask , speech in a dead language : but it is a neutral practice of mimicry , without parody 's ulterior motive , without the satirical impulse , without laughter , without that still latent feeling that there exists something normal compared to which what is being imitated is rather comic .
28 What is being suggested is a softening of the hard line taken by the Tories in Scotland over the past five years in the use of political patronage .
29 What is being suggested is that dreams in themselves have no absolute meaning or import — so that the idea of analysing them in terms of standard sets of criteria becomes a nonsense — but that the reaction of the dreamer to his or her dream can be very significant .
30 This assumption of improved supervision is put forward as a great strength of the proposals , but in fact what is being suggested is that the first year house officers would receive supervision from second year staff who are not yet fully registered .
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