Example sentences of "[pron] is [adj -er] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of this project is to examine the argument that there is greater coherence in stratification arrangements than has previously been shown to exist .
2 Rubbish is discarded ; that from boats is washed ashore and there is greater disturbance of the animal life .
3 Despite similarities in size across the continent in these two classes , there is greater variation in the proportion of the population in the formal proletariat , but they relate to levels in economic development .
4 There is greater concern for the role of language throughout the curriculum , particular attention being paid to the relation between language and activity methods in lower primary classes ( Zambia and Swaziland ) .
5 Etzioni formulates a hypothesis about organizations seeking to be effective : that they will shift their compliance structure towards one in which there is greater congruence between power and involvement , either by changing the nature of the power employed ( e.g. from sanctions to ‘ leadership ’ ) or the participants involved ( e.g. by recruitment methods ) ( Etzioni 1961 ) .
6 There is greater scope for a change in the context of the multilaterals than in the context of the bilaterals .
7 However the theory behind it is sound : there is greater scope for improving performance by concentrating on the average producer than by focusing exclusively on a few " bad apples " ( Berwick 1989 ) .
8 The three or four terms offered to post-graduate students condense the technical work of a three-year course ; on the whole there is greater emphasis on training the voice , movement , acting technique , fencing and dance , etc. since students will presumably have developed a fair amount of performing skill through their university drama departments or societies .
9 Critics of the government have argued that , although the need for incentives throughout the economy has been stressed , at the lowest end of the income scale there is greater emphasis on the need for workers ‘ to price themselves into employment ’ by accepting less than the ‘ going rate ’ of pay increases .
10 For management skills there is greater emphasis on the objectives and how they are arrived at .
11 There is greater emphasis on the role of the private sector in schemes for inner-city revival , as reflected in the setting up of two Urban Development Corporations in 1981 ( London Docklands and Merseyside ) and the introduction of the Urban Development Grant in 1982 as a lever to private investment .
12 Yet there is greater emphasis in the transnational company model on the complete integration and interdependence of operating structures .
13 The atmosphere tends to be less formal and there is greater opportunity for integration both between staff and students and between the students themselves .
14 As computer-based financial information systems develop , there is greater opportunity for financial analysts to draw inferences about a particular firm in the context of its economy or sector .
15 There is greater doubt over the site of the west gate , since the exact line of the wall in this area near the river has never been adequately established .
16 There is greater awareness of the problems of excessive placental transfusion ( hyperbilirubinaemia , polycythaemia and hypervolaemia ) than of the hazards of hypovolaemia , but claims of reduced preterm mortality with delayed umbilical cord ligation have been made for years .
17 There is greater awareness amongst those who work with and for the elderly of the ways in which we manufacture social and economic dependency .
18 One of the I 'm sure one of the results of Britain 's closer links with Europe is that there is greater contact between churches speaking different languages across these Catholic/Protestant boundaries .
19 The final comment of the previous section suggests that there is greater space for interpretation as the potential for incoherence increases in reading a text .
20 A defeat in a situation where sustainable management of the resource seems possible could threaten other resources where there is greater cause for concern about depletion .
21 There is greater vulnerability to infection .
22 Where the purchase of processed or partially processed inputs is outside the direct control of firms there is greater uncertainty about their quality and delivery schedules .
23 The second is that while all primary school decision-making is dependent upon both formal and informal relations and contacts , the more complex structures require a much greater expenditure of time on formal decision-making processes ; at the same time , there is greater risk of divisiveness if groups and individuals feel that they are being excluded from the formal processes or that the latter are less important than informal , behind-closed-doors negotiations .
24 There is greater demand in every school for time , space , and equipment .
25 Briefly , Cloward and Ohlin argue that there is greater pressure on members of the working class to behave criminally or delinquently due to the fact that they have less opportunity to succeed by legitimate means .
26 There is greater incentive in archaeology than in many other disciplines for applied mathematicians and statisticians to develop new techniques , or to apply existing ones in novel situations .
27 Like the Mark 3s , the Mark 4s have a lightweight steel body ( but there is simpler framing for ease of construction ) .
28 There is fuller treatment of speech production , speech acoustics and speech perception in Borden and Harris ( 1984 ) and Lieberman and Blumstein ( 1988 ) .
29 In addition , there are considerable organisational advantages if the various professionals concerned act as a team ; use of staff resources is more efficient , service planning and development are facilitated , and there is better management of the caseload .
30 Where students esteem that there is better provision to be found in , for example , a local Tertiary College , they will vote with their feet and the argument that they should remain in a Catholic Sixth Form , solely because it is Catholic , holds little sway .
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