Example sentences of "[pron] is [not/n't] [vb pp] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 adequate seating must be provided in a room at the hotel which is not used as sleeping accommodation or for the service of food , and in which there is neither supply or consumption of intoxicating liquor .
2 In 1681 he described himself as ‘ gardener to her Majestie ’ , probably Henrietta Maria [ q.v. ] , the dowager queen , at Somerset House , before she left England in 1665 , rather than Catherine of Braganza , Charles II 's consort , who is not recorded as sharing her mother-in-law 's interest in gardening .
3 Yet , in Hungary anti-Semitism itself is not seen as posing an impediment to democracy .
4 It is not treated as ‘ serious ’ , that is , as a part of their ‘ real ’ lives .
5 The rows may be triggered by a seemingly trivial incident , but it is not felt as trivial when it symbolizes past conflicts and needs .
6 It is not recorded whether there were H.M.Is present at the Bonnington Conference .
7 It is not recorded whether those who designed this emblem were aware that ‘ beaver ’ is also slang for the female sexual organs .
8 It is not recorded whether they agreed to baptise the child .
9 It is not recorded whether the Salas diary was his most recent acquisition or whether it appealed most to the colleague but the following story is quite remarkable .
10 Later , ladies were forbidden to attend his lectures because of his shocking views and he resigned ( though it is not recorded if he missed the ladies or just their fees ) .
11 As it is not recorded until the work of Hermann and Florence of Worcester , who states that the saint speared Swegen from his horse , it would not be impossible to consider this story a reaction to taxation by the Normans ; but if it did originate earlier it too conceivably had something to do with Edmund 's increasing popularity , and if Florence 's version was current in Cnut 's time he can not have been flattered by the notion that Edmund had disposed of his father in a similar way to that in which St Mercurius was believed to have killed the emperor Julian the Apostate .
12 It is not given when it is demanded .
13 Of course exactly that case never occurs , or if it does it occurs in such a way that it is not recognized as being a repeat run of the previous bitter experience .
14 This is because if it is not reserved as rent , the Stamp Office take the view that the application of the " contingency principle " means that stamp duty is payable on the full amount of VAT which may become payable over the whole term of the lease .
15 Concentration allows you to " switch off " your hearing so that , although the noise gives signals to the brain , it is not recognised as relevant to the purpose in hand , and does not register in the consciousness .
16 It is not recommended unless you have worries about collecting in the more usual ways .
17 There are thought to be risks of developing cancer of the breast or lining of the womb as a result of HRT , and it is not recommended if there is a family history of heart disease , breast or womb cancer , or if you have high blood pressure , blood clotting problems , a heart disorder or gall bladder disease .
18 About the only decent argument I 've heard on this , I have to say that because it was my daughter who advanced it , about the only decent argument I have heard is the one about badger baiting where she said to me but badger baiting is not allowed on your land and that is the point precisely that Mr made , it is not allowed because that is the law of the land and that is where decisions about the permission or otherwise of fox hunting should be made .
19 From there she could have travelled to France or Belgium but it is not known whether she boarded a ferry .
20 It is not known whether all the material will be permanently exhibited , because South Cambridgeshire District is one of the few local authorities in Britain not to have a local museum .
21 It is not known whether there will be a full archaeological investigation of the entire site , or even of a large part of it ; the excavation ends today .
22 Only a three-yard stretch of the theatre has been unearthed , and it is not known whether any more will be excavated .
23 The police have improved both their procedures and their training , but it is not known whether social attitudes in general have changed greatly .
24 It is not known whether the original breeding arose from mutation or selection , or , some say , by crossbreeding with perhaps a French breed or the Devon .
25 It is not known whether or not he ever returned to visit his mother during the first few years but it is certainly true that , latterly , he was not back in the county for many years .
26 Firstly , it is inadvisable to take remedies consisting of mixtures as no homoeopathic provings have been done on mixtures and it is not known whether the effects of these are different from the effects of their individual components .
27 But because the case was heard in private it is not known whether the teenager is returning to her mother or remaining with her 18-year-old boyfriend 's family .
28 It is not known whether the Minoans had any concept of reward or retribution in the afterlife , though they seem to have believed that the human soul survived death .
29 It is not known whether Lady Tynte investigated just what had happened to the bird 's genitalia but subsequent studies of female pheasants showing similar transvestite tendencies revealed that only sexual differences developing at or after puberty were affected and that the reproductive organs themselves remained unaltered ( Yarrell , 1827 ) .
30 The Greek authorities made no effort , indeed it is not known whether they had the legal authority , to allow the post mortem examination to take place before the body was released , despite the scarcity of important evidence in a case of this kind .
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