Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Directors have sometimes been called trustees , or commercial trustees , sometimes they have been called managing partners ; it does not matter much what you call them as long as you understand what their true position is , which is really that they are commercial men managing a trading concern for the benefit of themselves and all the other shareholders … they are bound to use fair and reasonable diligence in the management of the company 's affairs and to act honestly .
2 ‘ The essence of the patent for you is surely that you believe the heat is there and if it can be scaled up , as you hope it can , that is something that could have manifest benefits to everybody .
3 One is simply that you do n't need to have made a record or done anything very much except earned a local reputation as a watchable band playing original material .
4 ‘ I only know that there is more that I do not know than that I know , , I answered .
5 That is , our problem is not one of vicarious liability , of finding some reason why a shareholder should share some other person 's or group 's primary responsibility ; it is rather that we can find no one else who is primarily responsible and in whose responsibility he might share .
6 It is rather that he realigns fantasy and fact by using a set of ready-made and entirely artificial rules governing talking animals to explore the workings of a no less unnatural , controlled and rigidly inhuman system .
7 It is rather that there is a fundamental difference in the distribution of syntactic features between the two modes .
8 It is simply that one is a more likely response for the middle-class housewife and one is more likely for her working-class sister .
9 For me , at least — and I think for most people who travel around this country for pleasure , that is , to see things — it is simply that one gets a greater depth of pleasure out of knowing the anatomy of a town and why it takes that particular form and not just its superficial features , however attractive they may be individually .
10 It is simply that their numbers were fewer and hence their overall impact appears less .
11 It is not repentance ; it is simply that they are scared for their skins and wish to save parliamentary seats in the general election .
12 ‘ Clearly the reason they claim to have burnt it is simply that they realize it would be too risky to let us examine it . ’
13 This does not mean , however , that Elizabeth has no freedom of action at all ; it is simply that her actions must stay well within the bounds that society has placed on her .
14 Yet , much that they wrote then resonates as much today : it is simply that we do not comprehend it .
15 It is not that they are not capable of competing ; it is simply that there have been no great black performers in these areas in history ( due to lack of opportunities and facilities ) and no tradition exists .
16 Perhaps it is simply that you do not have the courage to do so .
17 It is simply that he is a married man , around 30 , with wife and children , a car , a mortgage ( ? ) etc. , etc .
18 It is simply that I was brought up in the East of Scotland and have lived in places whither the Orangemen walketh not , neither in triumph nor provocation .
19 It is simply that I have different ideas than the gentlemen who give places to men … . ’ .
20 It is simply that I expected better service , ’ he snapped .
21 It is simply that it left us stranded .
22 If this book has a significant weakness , it is simply that it takes three chapters to get into its stride .
23 Similarly , C. S. Lewis 's The Allegory of Love is praised by Kathleen Tillotson for charting the nature and evolution of two " principles " , or fundamental movements of the human mind — romantic love and allegory : " It is rarely that we meet with a work of literary criticism of such manifest and general importance as this . "
24 I know everything was very very strict indeed there was nothing like it is nowadays that I had but erm
25 the great bulk of community care is provided by friends , family and neighbours … it is right that they should be able to play their part in looking after those close to them … service providers should make practical support for carers a high priority .
26 It is right that they should be dealt with in a humane and honourable manner .
27 It is right that they should be given a place of honour in the history of ancient art .
28 Press hostility to this idea was scarcely free of self-interest , but there were bigger issues at stake and it is right that they prevailed .
29 In our efforts to promote extensification of livestock production , it is right that we should question whether livestock production should be allowed unrestricted use of technology in order to produce maximum output from the minimum amount of land .
30 It is right that we should consider tonight the question how we enhance the democracy , responsibility and accountability of the European institutions and of our own Ministers to the national Parliament .
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