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1 er because you know , if we wait till the twenty eighth of October er that you know , wo n't suit their purpose which is that they would like to get on with this so they can invest in plant renewal .
2 The next three classes beneath the class — the Sahn , the and the — also may choose kadiliks or the next higher rank of medrese , but in these cases the option of choosing a kadilik is expressed in variants of the following phrase : " if [ the muderrises ] become poor and choose office [ as kadi ] … " , the implication of which is that they would not otherwise do so .
3 Superman ( Christopher Reeve ) himself was sometimes hung by wires ( the disadvantage of which is that they might have to be matted out frame by frame by hand ) or supported on a hydraulic arm that came out of the screen at 90° and which , like his shadow , was hidden by his body .
4 Now they have brought forward a plan which is that they should lend me sufficient money to rent another house in which Mr Landor is to have the first floor , comprising three rooms , a book closet , and a terrace , and I am to reside on the ground floor and care for him receiving £30 a year for my trouble .
5 In regard to the first , for example — that kasabat kadis did not normally enter or re-enter the medrese stream-two caveats must be entered , the first of which is that one must explicitly exclude two areas in which movement between kadiliks and medreses was not uncommon : first , the kadiliks and medreses below the level at which the hierarchy began to operate , whose holders received perhaps five , ten or fifteen akce a day ; and second , those at the top of the hierarchy , since it was not uncommon for holders of mevleviyet kadiliks to go back to medrese teaching as a form of either temporary or permanent retirement from service as a kadi or a kazasker .
6 The first one is John Stuart Mill 's objection which is that we ca n't leave everything to the people .
7 One is to conceive of them as being deliberately designed for the purposes they serve , the implication of which is that we should be constantly reforming existing institutions so that they may better serve those ends for which they were intended .
8 we , we , we , we , we 've , we 've , we 've got one decision I think which we are making , which is that we should n't at the moment , make any recruitment until we 've got confirmation that we can guarantee employment next year , se , secondly I think we 're saying that the first appointment that we do want to make is of a complaint examiner , and that if further investigators leave us , then we would n't be seeking to replace them as investigators , we 'd be seeking to replace with the complaint examiner , that , that , that ,
9 Several advantages can be identified , perhaps the most important of which is that it would remove the financial disincentive which currently exists for doctors , hospitals and Health Authorities to treat more patients .
10 The legal model has one further method by which it attempts to balance the desirability of going to the managers of the company substantial discretionary power so that they have sufficient flexibility to act effectively , whilst at the same time minimizing the danger that the existence of such discretion creates , which is that it will be used arbitrarily .
11 Moreover , the surveyor will feel you do n't wish to involve yourself and his allegiance will be inclined towards the building society or bank , instead of to you which is as it ought to be .
12 If the last two decades have been just a trifle one-sided , before that the competition was excellent , with first one side holding sway and then the other , which is as it should be .
13 They receive a rapturous reception , which is as it should be : here , after all , are the players who have lost just one league game in the previous fifteen months , the players who are widely expected to terrify the rest of the continent in the European Cup , the team with the best strike force and the meanest defence in the First Division .
14 The story count is high — page three of the winning issue positively buzzed with 11 stories , and eight were crammed on to the back , which is as it should be in a conglomerate all about communication .
15 ‘ And Mama has written to say how grateful she is that we 'll be able to see how the old house has stood up to the war and cope with any disasters for her . ’
16 My mother 's aunts and cousins in Italy do n't know where she is and I would n't tell them if they asked .
17 1.1 Duty not to compete within the duration of the employment contract This aspect of the duty of fidelity requires the employee not to work for any person who is or who might be in competition with his employer during the working day .
18 The building materials side is primarily issues held by the er , the private sector and issue of the waste by factories is something which is the subject of er new er regulations which are often advice which is expected shortly from the Department of Trade and Industry and and we are awaiting obviously for that to come out to see what should happen and therefore our advice to you is that we should contin continue to keep these issues under review through the waste er advisory matter the waste er Planning and Policy panel .
19 We provide a platform for people to earn substantial money erm you know the only guarantee we give you is that we will give you the opportunity .
20 My one wish for you is that you will be given the strength and the courage to deal with the matter in accordance with that great and solemn oath which you have taken .
21 My one wish for you is that you will be given the strength and the courage to deal with the matter in accordance with that great and solemn oath which you have taken . ’
22 Whatever your scenario in December , what is being brought home to you is that you can no longer stand on the sidelines of your own life .
23 The best thing for me to tell you is that you must listen to what you are told about ‘ god ’ , but try to remember that as you get older , you will have to make up your own mind what to believe .
24 So whi what I 'm trying to say to you is that you should have four sides of written text , whether it 's on two pages , three or four What I will do is go through the headings and give you a very brief description of that so that you know roughly what 's in them .
25 The only good news I can tell you is that I would very much like to have the opportunity .
26 One is that they will be much more complete : they will contain all the tiny function words which were too frequent , and regarded as too unimportant , to figure in a work like Cruden 's Concordance to the Scriptures .
27 Yeah , what I like , the thing with this one is that we would n't have again would we ?
28 One is that we should try to ensure that all parts of a measure are debated .
29 One is that we must admit verbal reports of inner experiences of human beings as valid evidence for studies of consciousness .
30 One is that it may weaken the marriage by suggesting a ‘ failure ’ on the part of the husband .
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