Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the tears come for no reason ( by which phrase we mean that someone is not crying for a particular reason , for something or someone in particular , but that they are crying for everything ) .
2 It 's a strangely riveting spectacle , but just in case your eyes get poked out in the moshpit , they 've got a quite daring array of slightly goth-laced nagging pop tunes , pinned by means of twiddly guitar hooks and belting choruses to that corner of your brain which is exclusively reserved for tunes to whistle in the supermarket queue .
3 However , the difficulties are highlighted by the high percentage of other land shown in the table , 17.4 per cent , which is largely accounted for by swamp , desert and bare rock .
4 Some of this experimental technology will go into SAS release 6.09 , most will roll into version 7.0 , which is n't expected for a couple of years yet .
5 Ancient landmarks , that remind the inhabitants of its past are the church , which is part thirteenth century and which is primarily noted for its soaring spire .
6 That is a document which is effectively given for the protection of the Vendor .
7 As a result the vector is seen to rotate through an angle φ which is the separation in longitude between A and B. In general the rotation of a local vector when carried round a closed path on any two-dimensional surface is given by the expression which is easily checked for the route discussed .
8 The IRA blast knocked out the five operating theatres in the regional orthopaedic hospital which is also noted for its care of geriatrics .
9 Matsushita researchers have developed ‘ beam cursor ’ software for the interface of the stylus beam with the objects displayed , which is also used for re-orientation of the entire room itself .
10 These uses are on land which is also used for farming .
11 The system , which is also used for the borrowing and lending of stock and for the pledging of stock as collateral for short-term loans , has proved popular and , by late-1991 , some 70% of all outstanding gilt-edged stock was held in accounts with the CGO .
12 Best British Film went to The Crying Game , which is also nominated for a hatful of Oscars .
13 The diversity of the components of a textile effluent is very great , probably only matched or exceeded by that of the tanning industry , which is well known for its variability .
14 The prevalent merchant culture in the early Italian city-republics , notably in Florence — one of the largest cities in Europe at the time and one which is well known for its lauda tradition — provided the ideal climate for the development of the lay companies .
15 The Ethiopian famine of 1984 — 5 was a more severe relation of the Ethiopian famine of the 1970s yet the latter was consigned to a memory which is rarely mined for information and for the lessons of history .
16 However , ordinary nouns never strictly correspond to a structure like ( 10 ) ; the word bottles for example really demands an intensional representation which is already ( minimally ) complex ; schematically , it is : Taking into account the particular word-meaning used we might write either : ( The superscript e would tag the meaning as one which is conventionally used for identifying entities . )
17 … that after paying at least a dozen visits to Cambridge and engaging in the most unpleasant negotiations I have ever had in my life , we have managed to retain recognition as a body which is normally recognised for Chapter III powers and obtained an agreement which the University people hate like poison .
18 This process of taking information which is normally destined for the screen and sending it somewhere else is called redirection and is usually done with the > symbol .
19 Thus , conversation , which is normally marked for secondary stress on and primary stress on is represented as in stressed , phonemic form.With this type of representation , in which each vowel phoneme ( except schwa ) can be marked for stress , an additional 19 units are introduced into the phoneme inventory .
20 STARTLED voters from the parish of Binsted found their polling station had been switched to an open sided shed , which is normally used for storing Christmas trees in the middle of Alice Holt Forest .
21 The tension used for weaving should usually be about one number looser than that which is normally used for stocking stitch .
22 In fact , their van , which is normally used for delivering letters in the Darlington district , was such a success that Ford technicians refused to believe it was a standard production line van .
23 This means that the aesthetic exploitation of language takes the form of surprising a reader into a fresh awareness of and sensitivity to , the linguistic medium which is normally taken for granted as an " automatized " background of communication .
24 The team is awaiting the outcome of an appeal against a combination order which is normally awarded for serious offences like burglary .
25 WACC has long-standing connections with the Center , which is best known for its quarterly magazine Media&Values .
26 The question is how do ‘ cultural revolutionary ’ cadres work within a framework of democracy , a word which is not emphasized for the purposes of irony but to indicate what still remains the central principle on which cultural revolution must be conducted .
27 Search times are quicker , approaching O ( log2 n ) , if a tree is balanced , but the construction time and complexity of such a tree is greater than that of the random binary search tree which is not checked for balance .
28 Article 1(2) , excluding attempts to obtain evidence which is not intended for use in judicial proceedings , commenced or contemplated , is considered below in the context of pre-trial discovery .
29 A Letter shall not be used to obtain evidence which is not intended for use in judicial proceedings , commenced or contemplated .
30 any sum paid by way of loan or repayment of loan ; and 2. any sum paid otherwise than as income , being a sum which is not paid for full consideration in money or money 's worth .
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