Example sentences of "[pron] is [adj] of him " in BNC.

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1 On 13 October , the Leader of the Opposition described it in three different ways — which is typical of him .
2 That she is fond of him is natural enough , she thought .
3 It is typical of him to assert , as Judaism does roundly , that all work is honourable ; and deny that the reliance on special work and destiny ( ‘ God 's work ’ ) elevates a man per se .
4 It is all of him .
5 Another chapter , on the Kapos and the Special Squads , exhibits what must surely be judged an analytic understanding of the concentration-camp system set up by the Nazis — an understanding Eberstadt is inclined to deny him , believing that the camps are insufficiently construed in the Auschwitz book as an institutionalised anti-Semitism peculiar to Germany and politically-determined : she thinks it is soft of him to see them as belonging to a universal latent hostility to strangers .
6 This trio was written early in 1845 , just over two years before his death at the age of 38 ; and it is characteristic of him in its formal subtlety within apparently classical outlines , and in its skilful reconciliation of baroque with romantic .
7 It is characteristic of him that he transmitted to us a document which gave the number of the soldiers in the Roman army about 225 B.C. and added the number of the men of military age but not under arms : the document distinguished between Roman citizens and allies , and gave specific figures for the main groups of allies ( 2.23–4 ) .
8 Similarly , it is shrewd of him to play for the internationalist vote after a prolonged period of sullen Little Englandism during which Labour threatened to withdraw from the Common Market and called into question this country 's role within Nato .
9 It is generous of him to give Daniele an out .
10 In that marriage she was easily the dominant partner and Joe let her be partly because it is n't in his nature to be pushy or dominant but mainly due to the fact his father bullied his mother , as we are told and he is afraid of him doing this as well and so fails to protect Pip and tolerates Mrs Joe 's dominant character .
11 Everyone is afraid of him , ’ Kiah said .
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