Example sentences of "[pron] is [adj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had people come up and buy records and tapes and things and they 've gone back to their stall which is all they sell is records and tapes .
2 The quotation he give was sixty five and as he said which is true they double every five years .
3 Who is this they see ?
4 ‘ It will appeal to all those people in any discipline who are knowledgeable enough to know that there is much they do not know , and that learning and re-learning is worthwhile .
5 The East Germans have enough to think about without troubling themselves about tennis , but it is odd they do not have a single international player of note , bearing in mind the success of Czechoslovakia and the involvement of other Eastern bloc countries .
6 If it is dry they evolve leathery or waxy waterproof skins to conserve what little water there is .
7 The man who designed it is confident they 've got it right .
8 It is possible they dropped onto the Yorkshire coast after migrating from somewhere south of Britain for no flock of this size has been seen anywhere in the country through the winter .
9 It is possible they operate individually but are connected by having the same contacts , for instance a dealer in Essex or Ireland , ’ said Det Sgt Elston .
10 ‘ They say every man has his double and it is conceivable they made a mistake , ’ he said .
11 It is true they did not survive unscathed and that the Bodleian Library was founded well after the Reformation , but many a manuscript discarded from the monasteries fetched up in the possession of one of the colleges , and private men such as Sir Thomas Bodley soon repaired the broken links .
12 In those days a man was allocated duties , it is true they tried to arrange that he was on early spread , medium or late duties but it did n't always work out because of holidays , sickness or that but erm there were no restriction on hours .
13 It is true they hit very hard but they are often inaccurate and are not as useful against big units as you might suppose .
14 These fish exclusively inhabit the very top layer of the aquarium , they will take the usual food but it is important they receive some freeze-dried or frozen tubifex or bloodworm .
15 These patients may be at or below their ideal bodyweight so it is important they do not lose more weight .
16 I call them Billies regardless of sex , using an amiable tone of voice since it is important they do not become involved in or suffer any hostility of any sort .
17 From our discussion last week it is clear they have rejected the alternative .
18 It is vital they have this information .
19 Whatever is necessary they have , they receive it from the community , and the magistrate takes care that no one receives more than he deserves . ’
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