Example sentences of "[pron] it was they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cos whoever it was they got me in trouble .
2 And er whatever whatever it was they said that er they would n't chance operating on him .
3 ‘ Jehovah was wont to scare the pants off the Israelites — or whatever it was they girded up their loins with . ’
4 Whatever it was they went into the sea for , it was found way down in its ice-cold black depths .
5 This — whatever it was they planned — was just one of eight incidents across the country on Sunday night .
6 They would say whatever it was they had to say in their own time .
7 Most everybody in the house had gone to work , or whatever it was they did during daylight , and as I was only two feet away I reached over and slipped the lock , taking the phone receiver with me .
8 While one may reasonably ask what someone shouted , it hardly makes sense to ask what it was they screamed .
9 But the gabble was such that the child could n't distinguish what it was they wanted , until the old woman cried , ‘ No candy rock today ! 'T IS all gone , all gone , ’ at which , one after the other , the children , as if at a signal , stopped gabbling and took up the chant : ‘ Raggie Aggie !
10 And that involved talking to the client to find out what it was they wanted ?
11 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
12 They did n't , what it was they did n't consider that people were suitable to become a nurse .
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