Example sentences of "[pron] it be [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She it was who took the reading , writing , and arithmetic , but , of course , not until after more prayers .
2 She it was who entertained the Marquis and three of his friends simultaneously .
3 She it was who interpreted for various French , German and Italian journalists as John Regis , our sole sprint medallist with a bronze in the 200 metres , told everybody that for one flickering moment he ( and many others ) had thought he had won gold .
4 She it was who opened the door and Henry heard a high-pitched giggle followed by a lengthy squawk of pleasure .
5 They were the years in which we began to grow up ; in which we started to discover who it was we thought we 'd like to be ; in which our earliest ( and therefore longest-lasting ) preferences in love , music , pleasure were formed .
6 I am not quite sure who it was I sat next to because I am such a slow eater that I did not have much time for conversation .
7 I ca n't remember who it was who said that a squirrel was nothing more than a rat with good PR but how right they were !
8 Then you gently tapped the skeps and told the bees who it was who had died .
9 As Miranda was halfway down the dark and narrow stairwell , she realised who it was who had so disarmed Madame that she had not scolded Marie-Angèle ( for not being downstairs to hand , to run the message up to Mlle Everard ) , or waited to reproach Miranda herself for allowing visitors to call without appointments and cause all this trouble to her hostess in the Hotel Davenant .
10 He said of course I scampered through these bull rushes , they never saw me they never caught me and they never ever knew who it was who 'd done it , see .
11 He knew now who it was who stood before him .
12 Heaven knows who it was who set their mind on heading for that pointy wee soul but , like most hill-walkers , once a route is planned we would sooner see the laws of physics change before our itinerary did .
13 ‘ I only wish I knew who it was who gave it to her , because this person could have destroyed her career . ’
14 Amaranth wondered who it was who sat so comfortably for Worcester West .
15 She was wise enough to understand , now that her fear was leaving her , that it was Dr Neil 's very real concern which had made him so sharp with her when he had found out who it was he had rescued .
16 When she called Nahum to know who it was he did n't answer , and it was almost a week before she recognized Elizabeth Bradford .
17 I told you it was him did n't I ?
18 Whoever it is who had the marker out .
19 Cos whoever it was they got me in trouble .
20 As usual , she had left the back door ajar , so — failing to realise that anyone was around — could whoever it was who had arrived have entered her home ?
21 Well done , Des Wilson , or whoever it was who taught the tiresome Paddy this trick .
22 ‘ Then I drove almost two hundred miles down from Lisboa in order to visit whoever it was who owned this house . ’
23 Hugh Byars agrees with whoever it was who said ‘ that portrait painting is the Mount Everest of art , with all those difficult footholds and crevices . ’
24 Well done whoever it was who predicted 1–1 !
25 Pram Seat — Could whoever it was who wanted one please contact me as I now know of one for sale .
26 ‘ Some chap or other told me once , ’ Artemis 's father suddenly said , ‘ that somebody or other discovered America before Columbus or whoever it was who did , but decided it was best to keep it under his hat . ’
27 Whoever it was she saw , she smiled up at him , rising to her feet without a word and taking his arm .
28 Leaving whoever it was he 'd been talking to , he started towards her .
29 She did n't tell him it was what had triggered off the virus .
30 He it was who received the soubriquet of ‘ The Upright Judge' ’ , on the occasion of his being turned out of office by Edward IV , because of his scrupulous fairness at the trial of Sir Thomas Coke , Lord Mayor of London . ’
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