Example sentences of "[pron] it be [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mercury was , yes I it 's one in the Mercury and the other one was the one with the picture .
2 After which it is something of a disappointment to see that Olivetti or the firm 's advertising agents have not applied the spelling disk to the advertisement .
3 Polly tried to tell herself it was none of her business .
4 The snubs and indignities that he received from that quarter have passed into Gaullist lore : when he so much as enquired about the progress of the assembly 's constitutional commission , one of his own former ministers told him it was none of his business .
5 His osteopath had premises near Regent 's Park and all the way Berg kept apologizing for all the trouble he was causing and Rain kept assuring him it was none at all .
6 What did you tell her it was me for that 's a putter-off for a start .
7 Sometimes her common sense still told her it was nothing but an invention for dirtying three times as many dishes , this business of frying and parboiling , and moving things from plate to plate .
8 I mean I 've not had or no skin or nothing it 's something like maybe
9 That 's it it 's nothing at the end of the day
10 He it was who by crowning Otto at Aachen had plunged the papacy into trouble .
11 Cos I know what it is myself with I mean , they 're different ages but , and they 're independent but it 's wearing .
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