Example sentences of "[pron] it [be] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 When Daniel saw his wife coming towards the cubicle to offer comfort where he could n't he flailed his arms and drove her away , leaving Mrs Marriott to cry on , not even telling himself it was good for her to cry , since how could he know , how could he imagine ?
2 Humbly we will ask God to make us great in simplicity and obedience , as we seek to bring to birth a human society in which it is normal for men to love one another .
3 Undoubtedly , there will be cases under the Children Act 1989 in which it is appropriate for orders for costs to be made .
4 As I have already indicated , it is undoubtedly the case that there may be circumstances in which it is appropriate for a court to make an order for costs in a case relating to children .
5 I wonder whether you could define the circumstances in which it is appropriate for the Government to introduce a law reform Bill and seek to push it through all its procedures in a day without it going to a Standing Committee to be considered carefully as to its detail , when it happens that there is no particular circumstance of urgency and when the reform concerned could lead to considerable difficulties for the courts if the measure is not fully considered ?
6 Reforms aimed at refashioning the welfare state , so that it acts as a floor on which the underclass can build by their own efforts , rather than a ceiling through which it is impossible for them to pass , are considered in Part IV .
7 The purse seine nets are made of large mesh in which it is easy for a dolphin to get its flipper or snout caught .
8 Sometimes Bentham is represented as having held a significantly different view from that just described , according to which an action which it is right for me to do at any moment is either one which produces a greater surplus of pleasure over pain than any alternative action then open to me ( in which case it is the one right action ) or produces as great a surplus as any alternative ( in which case it is a right action ) , while all actions not thus right are wrong .
9 By s14(3) a person 's knowledge includes knowledge which he might reasonably have been expected to acquire from facts observable and ascertainable by him or from facts ascertainable by him with the help of medical or other appropriate expert advice which it is reasonable for him to seek .
10 But it is she who has created an atmosphere in which it is possible for her most senior minister to be publicly rubbished while she escapes without blemish or stain .
11 And while there are situations in which it is possible for the male to simulate orgasm , fellatio is not one of them .
12 He lays down the only terms on which it is possible for him to take up residence with his people .
13 There are some solutions of the equations of general relativity in which it is possible for our astronaut to see a naked singularity : he may be able to avoid hitting the singularity and instead fall through a " wormhole " and come out in another region of the universe .
14 There are very few cases in which it is automatic for one relative to offer support and unproblematic for the other to accept it .
15 Critical consents are those which it is essential for the purchaser to obtain if it is to conduct the business after completion .
16 Yet the experience to which they have been subjected is one of which it is proper for the criminal law to take notice .
17 There some of the inhabitants commit some kind of sacrilege which it is hard for us now to decipher .
18 Typically such questions begin with , ‘ What would you do if … ’ , and then create a hypothetical situation which it is hard for the candidate to imagine .
19 This is of particular importance in an industry in which it is hard for new entrants to establish themselves , in view of the high costs of entry into the market .
20 The political organizations require a full time and very disciplined commitment which it is difficult for women with children to fulfil .
21 Because family credit and housing benefit are withdrawn over a large band of income , and because low-income families begin to pay tax at a low threshold , there are now whole bands of income over which it is difficult for low-income families to improve their net income .
22 ‘ Things are going on at this school , ’ went on Dr Ali , in a whisper , ‘ of which it is difficult for a good Muslim to approve . ’
23 This produces a representation of a potential event ( that of the infinitive ) coinciding in time with another potentiality ( non-asserted dare or need ) , on which it is dependent for its actualization .
24 When copying data into the SRAM , switch off S1 , insert the SRAM , switch on S1 ( taking the pins to 0V ) , run the copy routine , switch off S1 and remove the SRAM , after which it is ready for use in the circuit you are developing .
25 Before leaving employees , a limited situation in which it is permissible for the directors to give priority to the interests of employees should be noted .
26 The ‘ expert ’ may have to be interviewed because she has special knowledge of a situation which it is vital for the researcher to have guidance on .
27 In particular , the myth of top-level political control over state decision-making is one which it is vital for incumbent presidents or premiers to maintain in order to reassure the mass public that someone is ‘ running the show ’ , and that ‘ the show ’ is still capable of being run coherently .
28 Using that as a working theory , I 'd say there was some sort of time limit involved — I mean , a time during which it is imperative for people not to know that he 's dead , but a time that comes to an end , after which it does n't matter so much . "
29 And within that sales team there will be an informal hierarchy and status structure , which it is important for the manager to understand .
30 The case highlights the extent to which it was possible for the religious intellectuals to misjudge exactly where the consensus lay , as well as the extent to which an evolving historical situation which created areas for new decision-making provided the field for a new power contest .
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