Example sentences of "[pron] in a long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Blake moved from the Old Nag 's Head , through a courtyard , and found himself in a long alley .
2 ‘ I have n't seen you in a long time . ’
3 I have n't seen you in a long time .
4 King 's Highway ( 17 ) : Edom 's refusal to let Israel pass along this main road involves them in a long detour south and round .
5 I mean I 've filled in a few forms for them but I mean probably you 're a passive owner like me in the sense that I do n't go and actively trade them , er I keep them in a long term investment , and that 's it .
6 She was endeavouring to find her way to the courtyard when , reaching the end of one of the wide corridors , she found herself in a long gallery lined with portraits .
7 She caught sight of herself in a long gilt mirror and smoothed her fair hair .
8 She scuttled through the door and found herself in a long drawing-room choked with old-fashioned furniture .
9 Physically , she was looking better than Harriet had seen her in a long while .
10 They found themselves in a long corridor with one glass wall that looked out into a bright , modern , open-plan and spacious area .
11 She had n't felt so pleased by anything in a long time .
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