Example sentences of "[pron] to [be] [adj] with " in BNC.

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1 At length she asked , ‘ Am I to be content with that snippet of intelligence : ‘ Sir George likes me ’ ? ’
2 WILD SCANDINAVIAN seeks someone to be wild with !
3 ‘ I 'm a bit of an outcast , love , ’ he said , ‘ and I do n't want you to be involved with all that . ’
4 But I must ask you to be patient with my navigation in these uncharted waters .
5 The Legal Aid Board has said itself to be impressed with the contribution of law centres to the provision of legal services in the areas they serve .
6 Quine suggests very plausibly that , even if experience shows something to be wrong with a theory , it can not point a finger at any particular hypothesis .
7 It also seems to me to be consistent with the approach of the court in the Torfaen case [ 1990 ] 2 Q.B .
8 Bu bu bu bu but what , what was happening seemed to me to be consistent with that .
9 I gorged myself to the gills although Benjamin ordered me to be temperate with the wine .
10 I thought they were out to get me to be honest with you .
11 ‘ It seems to me to be inconsistent with the spirit of liberalisation to have a mandatory code that necessitates a cumbersome and bureaucratic certification process . ’
12 they seemed to me to be heavy with symbolism but I could n't see anything .
13 ‘ I am here to plead my case with my father 's creditors and to sell the family jewels , I suppose it is selfish of me to be concerned with such trifles when you have such pressing concerns like where you shall live , in the London home or at Summer Lodge . ’
14 A word of caution : we dare not simply burst in on others with a glibly phrased formula and expect them to be warm with forgiveness .
15 The use of family therapy techniques throughout the process of recruiting and training new parents , and preparing children for placement , helps them to be familiar with such techniques and to acknowledge their value when problems develop .
16 I do n't know I , I would n't be in a position to answer for them to be honest with you .
17 It 's not unusual on girls ' weekends or at women workers ' conferences for them to be demonstrative with each other , or with the young women , while we remain caught in the straight-jacket of frigidity while we are in the public eye .
18 The use of word-processing helps to release them to be concerned with the content and not restrained by the process .
19 And girls were n't employed because it was n't decent for them to be concerned with sex cases .
20 As I gave my gun to the officials to keep , I warned them to be careful with it .
21 Although the countries of the European Free Trade Association had worked out trade arrangements with the Community , recent decisions of the European Court ruled them to be incompatible with the treaty of Rome .
22 On finally seeing these creatures , mating in the high forest canopy like cataracts of spun glass , we found them to be transparent with a deeper meaning , something which lay beyond them , in the undiscovered wisdom of the islanders themselves .
23 I did not want him to be alone with Otto .
24 From the very start I had advised her to be honest with him but she was terrified he would be so shocked he would n't want her .
25 We did everything we could to encourage her to be pleased with being brown .
26 She could see that he was at a loss for words — which was reason enough for her to be pleased with her impetuous decision .
27 And , since she felt unable to divorce Derek , there seemed little chance for her to be happy with Travis Hepwood .
28 Remember , she thinks you 're the King and we do n't want her to be angry with him , do we ? ’
29 If you behave like this , you will understand that I can not permit myself to be alone with you . ’
30 Both women allowed themselves to be involved with another man in the absence of their husbands but in very different ways .
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