Example sentences of "[pron] in [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the exceptions to the nemo dat principle apply only if the goods are disposed of by someone in possession of them and if the buyer is lawfully in possession of the goods the seller 's lien is lost anyway ( section 43(1) ( b ) ) .
2 Fabien wanted the vignoble to be run by someone in sympathy with his aims , who would continue with the modernisation process he 'd started , and produce wine of the same quality .
3 The company may be estopped from denying either statement if someone in reliance upon it has changed his position to his detriment .
4 Again , there was a problem of a ticket barrier , but this time someone in front of me was arguing with the inspector so I was able to pass unhindered .
5 I 'm happy to cruise along in traffic on the road but when there is someone in front of me on the track , I become quite mad .
6 Incidentally , I have used projection television receivers at home for the last 40 years and , possibly their use does not require the eye to be concentrated in one continuous subtended angle , my in eyes in their fourth quarter century still resolve that one minute of arc !
7 There is today a growing awareness of ourselves in relation to our environment .
8 It may be argued that fundholding allows us to discharge these responsibilities ourselves in respect of our own practice population , and that we are capable of doing the job better than a large purchasing authority .
9 We looked at ourselves in terms of our compulsive traits , seeing the weakest aspects of our inner lives .
10 Observers agree that the soft drink sector is an altogether better bet for the company , which in addition to its strong Schweppes brands has added most of Perrier 's non-water brands and the best-selling Euro-brand Gini to its portfolio in the past two years .
11 He was a passionate tourer , always in motion , descending on his Residents with floods of instructions which resumed their unceasing flow as soon as he returned to headquarters ; and long before Northern Nigeria was brought under effective British occupation , he was composing his Political Memoranda , which in addition to his reflections on the subject of Indirect Rule contained instructions to his officers of a comprehensiveness simply beyond satire .
12 As Gandhi shows clearly , the purpose of satyāgraha , which is the technique of ahi sā , which in turn in its positive connotation means the love that endures all things and never fails , is to convert and not to coerce those against which it is directed .
13 But in promoting it to MPs we 've been drawing their attention to the kinds of organizations which in turn in their eyes just sort of represent that pyramid or structure of votes that .
14 Calvados is n't always easy to come by in this country and such as we can get is usually one or other of the commercial brands which in spite of their high prices are pretty crude .
15 The five children of the household — all under twelve — sat staring at him and from time to time discussed him with one another in rapid French , which in spite of his recent visit to the country as a ski soldier , totally escaped his capacity to understand .
16 Unlike the First Concerto , which in terms of its piano writing is completely honest , and where only the first movement 's double trills need to be re-arranged to become audible , the Second Concerto requires some adjustments in order to serve Brahms 's purpose , and not merely to make life easier for the pianist !
17 To administer and collect income tax a new arm of administration had to be created comprising experts , officials and clerks : an " army " which in terms of its efficiency and rapacity came to be the equal of the long-esteemed Excise .
18 One of them was the fact that housing associations ask for the keys is or ask for notification up to a month in advance of the fact that someone 's going to leave and that is not something which in terms of our stock , we find practical to do .
19 I ran out of printed business cards over a year ago , and I 've now run out of my stock of the blank cards ( which in view of my handwriting have a rather negative impact in any case ) .
20 He did n't get anywhere , which in view of his past was ironic .
21 That is correct yes , but only when we encounter somebody in front of us .
22 We ai n't got Maureen today so we 'll have to find somebody in place of her .
23 Bill , 'e used to say , I got summat in mind for you .
24 There is indeed plenty in print about them , but it is economic , argumentative stuff , mostly condemnatory and lacking in any understanding of what this old world meant to the peasant , and of what he lost by its passing .
25 I believe it is worth taking a chance that FLOWN , who has plenty in hand at his best , goes on the ground .
26 He was tremendously impressive when beating Granville Again at Cheltenham last Sunday , and has plenty in hand at his best .
27 The poor get theirs in ways of which we disapprove : consider nineteenth-century attitudes to working-class drinking .
28 Without bringing it to the front of my mind , I sensed that Otto felt himself in competition with me , whilst at the same time seeming imperturbable .
29 He did so smiling to himself in rapture at his achievement .
30 An individual sitting on the board of such an inquiry may satisfy his own conscience if he finds himself in disagreement with his colleagues by exercising his right to attach a minority dissenting view to the formal report if he considers it necessary to do so .
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