Example sentences of "[pron] a [noun] [prep] which " in BNC.

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1 Montano reacts to this inversion of the truth with the correct response ( assuming it to be true ) which Iago has elicited from him , namely that Othello ought to be told ; at which point Iago demurs , with the pretence of friendship : From that declaration , after the ensuing brawl , Iago has built himself a platform from which he can now act the perfect friend : As we alone know , to get the truth from what Iago says about Cassio one must simply invert everything he says .
2 So he obtained the job , unfortunately at the cost of giving himself a hernia for which he needed hospital treatment .
3 He 's written you a poem in which you might well think he was describing a fox outside his window but just at the point when the fox seems most real , it might be coming through the window or it might be going into its hole , he says that the hole that this fox lives in is his head .
4 getting more and more intrigued by this and I 'd like to you a question to which I genuinely do n't know the answer .
5 They can be used to simplify the skeleton of the topic still more , until it stands out in its bare bones , giving you a framework on which memory can hang the developments , opinions and controversies .
6 It actually gives you a framework on which to base any any few words or any talk that you you have to give .
7 You should have with you a page on which you have noted difficulties and doubts to be cleared up with the tutor .
8 said ‘ This award provides a standard by which you can gauge yourself , and gives you a means by which quality can be improved . ’
9 It centres in the conviction that the very idea of God is itself a projection in which man seeks to transcend the limitations of his own finitude .
10 I have come home and there is not left me a place on which to pitch my lodge .
11 Now this use of a formula , making the , the formula as pliable as possible to take in all these different themes , seems to me very interesting , because it seems to me a point at which popular literature , erm or the so-called easy dividing line between popular literature and high art , becomes very difficult to judge , very fuzzy .
12 Women are disrupted in their worship by the masculinity of the religion to the point that it ceases to be for them a vehicle through which they can love God .
13 In short , Labour and the Liberal Democrats will have the argument won for them on the ground — and as long as they locate their policies in terms of wealth creation , rather than punitive redistribution , the current election election result has given them a platform from which effectively to challenge for power next time round .
14 To help pupils care about the environment and understand other peoples ' beliefs and attitudes , giving them a perspective into which to place information and their own ideas .
15 But is n't there a sense in which people in other countries really have to help themselves , at least in the first instance ?
16 I see very much what you 're saying , but is n't there a sense in which you almost need to absorb in an automatic sense some of the basic things ?
17 Is there a sense in which if you knew it was coming it 's not a disaster , or at least it , it need n't be a disaster ?
18 Nor , at that time , was there a mechanism by which the existence of the put option could generally be disclosed .
19 ‘ Is there a place to which the children can be taken ? ’
20 In one case Valens discusses a trust worded ‘ Let Stichus be free : and I request that my heir teach him a skill by which he can look after himself ; in another Ulpian deals with a bequest of an annual sum in which the amount has been left out .
21 With regard to income tax , of course , the danger is that the powers of the protector are such as effectively to make him a trustee in which case the trust may be deemed to be resident in the United Kingdom under FA 1989 , s110 if the settlor when he created the settlement was resident , etc in the United Kingdom .
22 Even their kisses might give him a disease from which he would die or become horribly spotty .
23 Joyce shot her a look in which surprise and indignation were nicely fused .
24 On the contrary , I read them as dismantling an old Crown privilege and substituting for it a principle upon which , in certain limited circumstances , the court has a discretion whether or not to require an undertaking in damages from the Crown as law enforcer .
25 It is not something that I have and you do not , or vice versa ; nor is it a commodity with which some people have the good fortune to be more generously endowed than others .
26 For the North African church had long clung to its own traditions of autonomy with a tenacity which made it a power with which the emperors and popes had to reckon .
27 While it seems to involve the development of a national policy for the disabled , in practice its dependence upon local government makes it a gesture in which central government involvement is comparatively slight .
28 If I find in myself a desire for which no experience in this world can satisfy , the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world .
29 Moreover — and more to the point — if as literary intellectuals we feel frustrated at having no channel of access to the figures who exercise decision-making power in our societies , Mrs Lowndes shows us a society in which literary intelligence had direct access to such centres of power , by way of the conjugal bed as well as over the dinner table .
30 I says how come you deputation , you gave us a time of which to be here , now we said , we turned up a quarter hour beforehand and I says we get a phone call er a an intermission from Councillor that you could n't make it because that your car broke down .
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