Example sentences of "[pron] and his [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Asian youth told officers he had not been involved in the alleged attack , but that he himself and his friends had been set upon by a gang .
2 ‘ So this king , ’ wrote Sir Thomas Gray , ‘ led a gay life in jousts and tourneys and entertaining ladies , until the lords who had been disinherited in Scotland for the cause of himself and his predecessors made supplication to him that he would restore to them their inheritances which they had lost on his account and allow them to take their own measures . ’
3 ‘ I think the devil himself and his sisters lived here , ’ Fernando suggested and Ruth tightened her grip on his arm and gave a small shudder .
4 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
5 While people were dreaming dreams and singing songs , and the Evil One and his angels strutted their mastery over the world like cocks in a barnyard , the omnipotent God made the decisive move that was to win the Great Battle for the world .
6 But , for one thing , the sheer size of the defeat made him and his players determined that it would never happen again and , for another , the power of Lillee and Thomson made him realize just what a potent weapon a battery of fast bowlers would be .
7 His increasing literary output must also have been making him and his views known to the public .
8 She laughed up at him and his eyes gleamed , his gaze fixed on her mouth .
9 The gap between him and his pursuers widened ; and at the same moment , though they were invisible and their volley could not be followed by eye or ear , the Welsh archers deployed all along the rim of the forest loosed their shafts together .
10 His only possibility is to tap the latent anger , which he has to keep suppressed for the most part , and the social depression that would enable him and his peers to speak out from their own consciousness in order that a mature and civilized level of relationship can be attained between them and others .
11 I said that I was willing to see him and his colleagues to consult on how best and how quickly to abolish the poll tax and on how best and how quickly to introduce a new and fairer system .
12 I suggest that the Secretary of State take a little time to read our new document , ’ London : a strategy for transport ’ , which might help him and his colleagues to get sorted out on the need for better transport in the capital city .
13 To be sure , his companions needed to know enough about him and his goals to perform effectively , but Malleus policy on the subject of Chaos and its minions was one of censorship .
14 He stayed at Dunvegan for eight nights , from Monday , 13 September , to the morning of Tuesday the 21st , and may even have outstayed his welcome ; Johnson more or less refused to leave the comfort of the castle and applauded the weather 's inclemency which kept him and his companions pinned down .
15 Other times it was dinner ; twice he took her dancing , the smoochy old-fashioned sort of dancing , not a disco , the sort where she was right up against him and his hands held her in a strong , commanding kind of way .
16 But things had got so bad that his wife considered leaving him and his children avoided him , the judge said .
17 When she spoke , her breath fell on him and his eyelids fluttered .
18 The sun was already directly above him and his knees hurt him badly .
19 The council even suggested resolving the dispute by building a meeting-house next to St Paul 's for him and his followers to use .
20 She sat stiffly , aware of him nestling down , beside her , yearning for his arms to wrap around her and his lips to tangle in her hair .
21 For a while they lay in each other 's arms , the sweet lethargy claiming them , but as Alain 's arms tightened around her and his lips became insistent , Jenna drew back and looked up into his dark eyes .
22 His arms went round her and his lips found hers , and this time when the world fell apart and the sky came crashing down , she clamped her lips together and buried her face in his shoulder and said nothing .
23 There was n't time to edge away or even think as his mouth possessed her and his hands moved on her body , caressing it beneath the soft folds of her cotton top .
24 Oliver was sitting quite still , his eyes fixed on her and his hands clasped round his knees .
25 A visitor sat in a chair near the elegant grate where a huge fire burned , he glanced up at her and his eyes narrowed .
26 His coat and waistcoat swiftly followed it and his fingers ripped away the neckcloth about his throat , heedless of the ruin they effected .
27 The Prophet 's gaze switched to it and his eyes widened as he saw what it was by the light of the moon .
28 He professed not to be worried about it and his colleagues agreed .
29 As the clearinghouse for information and orders he and his officers had replaced the Privy Seal .
30 ‘ Very well played , Piper , ’ remarked Mills Roberts as he and his Officers left the saluting base and made their way across the village green in the direction of Brigade H.Q I remained at attention until they disappeared through the gates of the big house .
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