Example sentences of "[pron] and [pers pn] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think me and you had better have a little walk . ’
2 Over the years , Anne had put up with an awful lot from me and she had now finally decided she could n't take it any more .
3 We called and saw them and we had quite a nice reception .
4 All the day before , she had waited for half an hour to go off walking by herself and it had never come .
5 From the letter Brian had received from the newspaper last November , we knew that his sisters and friends were working for him and we had also heard that Jill , Nick Toksvig and other friends were active on my behalf .
6 He brought laboratory reports on the undertaker 's clothing and other items which had been sent to him and he had already spent an hour examining the Wheel .
7 Even then no one dared cross him and he had yet to show the dark side of his soul and prove Merlin 's prophecy that he was ‘ The Mouldwarp who would drown his kingdom in a sea of blood ’ .
8 Hers was not a type of female beauty which attracted him and he had always assumed that she was physically cold .
9 She had finally walked out on him and it had only been the intervention of Philpott that had brought them back together again .
10 There was no way a man was going to browbeat her and he had better know that right now .
11 Most likely they would proceed no further than they had with the identification of ‘ Subject A ’ , especially since there was no one ( apart from themselves ) to miss her and she had never been missed .
12 Because they said they 'd always done it and they had nowhere else to put it .
13 She could have got away with it and he had more than once suggested she should , begged her almost .
14 It was only the second time she had taken part and this race , taking less than ten minutes , had been a particularly fast one , but as she said , it was a family tradition to take part in it and she had really enjoyed it .
15 That was the Catholic name for it and it had always seemed very appropriate to Preston , conjuring up visions of an unctuous priest dripping oil and glib assurance .
16 Incomprehensible as it may seem , he and I had never shared an embrace .
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