Example sentences of "[pron] and [pron] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If I assault someone and it is not justified , not justified , can I be arrested ?
2 We thought it were a new card or summat and it 's not .
3 As soon as soon as you see a parked car you should be looking to see what 's behind its and there 's about six policeman behind
4 Greenbank took most of the photos himself and he 's clearly an accomplished photographer .
5 At Southend the worst of times for Oxford … but nothing and nobody is ever going to stop goals like these …
6 Ranking means nothing and it is very sad to see Andre having such poor results in tournaments and rather puzzling in view of his amazing results in Davis Cup ; one wonders if he gives too much to that at his own expense !
7 and we 've , we 've a steady occupation etcetera etcetera , but we just turn er , er , you know we 're just blind to these people who 've got nothing and there 's more and more people have got nothing
8 ‘ But an envoy is an option that President Clinton has mentioned to me and it is probably one he would look at in the event of the talks not being resumed .
9 So basically they 've broken their contract with me and he 's not even responded to that letter .
10 Run ! at me but the message is n't getting through , there 's something else in the way , something else pulling me back , back to Andy and back to that frozen river bank ; I hear Andy crying out and I can still see him reaching towards me and he 's about to slip away from me again and I ca n't do anything … but I can , this time I can ; I can do something and I will .
11 But Johnny Marr really did something for me and he 's virtually the reason I started playing the guitar .
12 and they 're going in my neck but I do n't wan na turn over cos she 'll fall off the bed and I 'm sort of going just on me and she 's really funny .
13 He does n't want them and he 's not getting them !
14 Because if they 're flat , all the water collects on them and it 's more likely to like , something 's more likely to happen to it .
15 Each of them requires a complete day out to go and visit them and it 's very difficult to find a complete day because there are so many other things , so many other demands on your time .
16 ‘ But sometimes a band has a magic balance between them and it 's so wonderful .
17 In the case of Dr Jordan , they have the figures in front of them and it 's quite understandable that questions should be asked about his unusually high night-time payments .
18 We have a signal when we are going for them and it is up to me to go in and score .
19 The hare and the hatter also decide to put the poor little dormouse into the teapot , which is rather cruel because he did n't do anything to them and it is rather a strange thing for his companions to do .
20 There is nothing alarming or unusual about methodological problems ; all sciences have them and it is quite common for the questions that people ask to run ahead of the techniques available for answering them .
21 It is going to be nine and a half times the footprint of Hambleton three and a half times the footprint of Brayton Bath it will tower in its mass beside them and it is totally unreasonable and wrong for anybody to describe it as merely of local concern .
22 cos there 'll be five of them and there 's already four of us cos we sit with Don and
23 And there 's nobody shrieking at them and there 's only twelve of them there and you know , nobody 's getting cross with anybody .
24 Erm but er er I think will provide still very good factory profit for them and there is also of course er this , there 's still more to come .
25 The debt charges on the recreation facilities , for example , would remain , whoever was running them and there is absolutely no possibility that private contractors would actually take over the debt charges .
26 By utilising their collective knowledge of who and what is primarily involved in their problem , and by encouraging the group to pursue its own documentary research the video helps them to legitimise their case .
27 The idea is to find an image which pleases you and which is both tranquil and repetitive .
28 you and me is n't on at the moment
29 Water to you and me is so ordinary .
30 Thereafter it 's no more than a recurrent talking-point or a way of talking down , with all this I do n't feel I really know you and What 's really going on in there ? and Show me the real you .
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