Example sentences of "[pron] and [pron] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And today , most satisfying of all , for I felt that I and my bill hook had really earned him — the stubby-billed twite .
2 He once said of himself and his writing partner Paul Sparks , ‘ We have almost no shame ’ .
3 Mr Larkin said : ‘ When she was leaving she always used to come and kiss both me and her mother goodbye although she was 24 years old .
4 Me and my dad fly in a cessna .
5 One time me and my friend Yasmin , we were both in there .
6 ‘ Listen , did the bloke ask any questions about me and my lady lodger ? ’
7 Oh , me and my boyfriend play cards , and watch telly , and that sort of thing .
8 ‘ People often do n't know how to look after them and their pet tortoise does n't survive hibernation . ’
9 If a charging unit is suddenly confronted by emerging Fanatics , leaving Fanatics in front of the chargers and between them and their target unit , then the chargers can either remain halted or complete their charge .
10 You can keep them and your art therapy .
11 How you look at someone , the attention you give them and your body language are all means of communication and can have a strong effect upon the recipient , even if he only perceives it on a subconscious level .
12 Do you know that in the last twelve months er we 've produced or the office has produced , twelve hundred twelve hundred reports to committees at an average cost of six hundred pounds each and that 's just in officer time in writing them , nothing to do with the paper they were printed on , the cost of printing , the cost of distribution , the cost of our time to discuss them and our attendance allowance .
13 The doors also had two round glass windows in them and our neighbourhood policeman stood aside to let us press our noses against them .
14 She and her accupuncturist partner , Richard Spindler , are now in serious debt , they say , because Lloyds lent them money without proper advice and called in the loan after overcharging them .
15 In her diaries , Barbara Castle admits that when secretary for social services in 1975 , she and her health minister , David Owen , deliberately appointed Alec Merrison , Vice Chancellor of Bristol University , to chair a Royal Commission on the Health Service , on the grounds that ‘ he was a dedicated supporter of the NHS and would have no truck with private financing and all that nonsense . ’
16 She and her mystery man were spotted outside her parents ' home in Fulham , west London .
17 She and her page boy probably dozed .
18 She and her husband Don , 37 , a pathology researcher at nearby Cambridge University , had not received any warning of repossession .
19 ‘ She did not wish to press charges because of the prominent position she and her husband hold in London society . ’
20 The woman did not want to press charges , the detective said , because of the prominent position she and her husband hold in London society .
21 Mrs Heseltine has said that she and her husband talk things over endlessly : ‘ I want him to succeed , but I do n't want it for myself .
22 ‘ Home Alone ’ girl Gemma Gibson ( 11 ) will remain in the care of Hammersmith Council , London , following a High Court hearing today at which she and her actress mother Yasmin — who is on police bail — were represented .
23 She and his infant sister died in 1808 .
24 What 's it to me if you and yer lady friend are goin' in for liftin' ?
25 If you stick to these simple basics , you and your gas hob will produce stir fries which are truly
26 You and your detective work . ’
27 Usually it 's quite a problem to know what to do with them , though they are often in demand for decorations at your local primary school , but between you and your knitting club friends there will be more than enough for everyone .
28 But unlike you and your cider shit
29 If you would like more information on how the Act will affect you and your unit call Bob on
30 You and your horse need to be capable of jumping solid fences safely and under control .
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