Example sentences of "[pron] and [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Can you not start with being in love with someone and end up by loving them ?
2 We had barely finished congratulating ourselves and going round with the good news when Mrs Maddock 's little boy from the post office ran to tell us it had been torn down .
3 They produced a file which they said was his and took out of it an indistinct , green photograph of someone carrying a parcel .
4 He held both her hands in his and looked down at the pale blur of her face .
5 He got his brother to look after the bar for an hour or so , bundled Maidstone into a taxi driven by a friend of his and set off for Maidstone 's apartment in the Vomero .
6 He took it in both of his and smiled down at her .
7 First , do we really accept that a man in the act of undressing suddenly decides halfway through that he will hang himself and goes up to the garret without his boots on to carry out the terrible act ?
8 As he passed Jenny 's door he paused momentarily , but shook his head at himself and went on down the stairs .
9 His liking for convivial company , found only in the male-dominated bars of New Jersey , a throwback from his forebears of County Cork , eventually forced them into a difficult matrimonial situation from which he occasionally evacuated himself and went off on a drifting reconnaissance of the world outside .
10 He tried to compose himself and go over in his mind the details of what had taken place almost a month before .
11 But Nicola 's husband recovered himself and padded over from the settee to switch off the television .
12 The only uniformity of practice that the Board of Education desires to see in the teaching of Public Elementary schools is that each teacher should think for himself and work out for himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to the best advantage and be best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school .
13 Vigo did n't press him but poured a glass of Manzanilla for himself and sat down by the window .
14 Remember what you 're here for , he told himself and turned back to his audience .
15 To cheers and aahs he emerged on the far bank , shook himself and set off in dripping pursuit .
16 Nigel would have liked to discharge himself and travel back with Eleanor right away .
17 According to Nigel , ‘ everyone wants to get as much for himself and hang on to it : that 's the definition of conservatism ’ .
18 So he steels himself and starts on about Ireland and exile , beginning with his journey from Dublin to work as a navvy in London in the ‘ 70s .
19 Before I was in the band if I saw that something was happening that I did n't like I 'd say nothing and go along with it .
20 The loyal workers were gobsmacked to find two months later their ex-boss had bought all his ex-machinery at the receivers ' auction for next to nothing and started up in business again under another name in the same premises .
21 You 're not allowed to work on it and er that 's about it really , our programme , we 've decided to er start the pipe at the first position away from the tank construction and we 've , we 've set out , we employed a concrete layer and to lay out the pipes while we 're doing nothing and continue on with the so that while this gang is actually laying there 's only er six people in total .
22 But I 've come a long way and er so I 'll go back next er Wednesday to the department and er er if people will bear with me and put up with it er I 'll take it er fairly slowly to start with but I dare say there will come a time when er erm you wo n't notice much difference .
23 He swivelled his chair away from me and stared out of the window .
24 Well he , he left he was with Karen he came to me he left me and went down to Gloucester he dithered about running up and down the road between Gloucester and here er Stowmarket .
25 I moved to one side with Jamie helping me and went down on my hands and knees on a comparatively clean part of the concrete where the oil stains looked old .
26 Once my husband left me and went back to his ex-wife .
27 He stopped a little way away from me and fell down on the grass and hid his face in his arms .
28 The pathetic , skinny dog was scratching around the dustbin searching for the slightest bit of food , until she took one look at me and shot off with her tail between her legs .
29 I just stay there , squatting down and the woman gives me a funny look and tugs the little girl 's hand and they walk round me and go off down the road .
30 I started to run up , straight up the hill , erm lucky the monster was running straight at me and sticking out of the crowd and he tripped over and after the end
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