Example sentences of "[pron] keep [prep] my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Q. How many Koi can I keep in my pond which measures 12′ 8″ × 13′ 67ins ; × 3′ deep ?
2 What else could I keep in my tank ?
3 I keep to my word , and I offered you a contract .
4 I keep to my path
5 Only other picture I 've got of her , I keep in my watch . ’
6 It was a performance that I keep in my memory , and am so pleased that MK remembers the playing .
7 I kept to my itinerary , turning off along the Achiltibuie road , passing below the serrated skyline of Stac Polly , its upper rocks tinged pink as the sun rose over the horizon .
8 But you who knew me , pass on these words : that I squandered my youth for my country , that while the ship was fighting I kept to my post up in the cross trees and , when she sank-I went down with her . ’ ’
9 I pride myself on an ability to remember route details , but I do n't think I kept to my line of ascent for more than a third of the way down the first time I did the Hornli Ridge .
10 My hands got very cold too , but my mother helped me every morning by baking two potatoes in their skins for me to keep in my pockets ; they retained their heat for quite a long time .
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