Example sentences of "[pron] something of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Darwin was himself something of a gourmet , also punctilious in his insistence that ties were obligatory .
2 The 29-year-old has constantly been dogged by controversy and has earned himself something of a rebel tag .
3 Einstein , himself something of a mystic , discovered that time collapses into a ‘ point ’ at the speed of light and was aware that Indian sacred texts — the Tantras — maintain that the soul is a sublime point of the light of consciousness .
4 During the next few days Stevie was to find himself something of a cult figure .
5 ‘ Chief Inspector Golding reckons himself something of an expert on poetry , ’ said Miller , with the hint of a sneer .
6 Getting British Waterways approval was itself something of an achievement , in view of their reluctance to accept use of towpaths for cycling .
7 I 've told you something of the plan — ‘
8 We should be able to tell you something of the nature of the fastenings used but I doubt if we can say whether a body was involved .
9 Then , with a smile that set all the butterflies off again , ‘ It 's my intention to take you to where the food is really good , and also show you something of the city by night . ’
10 Therefore I am informed by the market … which makes me something of a rarity in the business .
11 ‘ Er , well , I 've nowhere to go and it 's causing me something of a problem . ’
12 Unfortunately , the question seemed to me something of a nonsense , as it involved the square root of a minus quantity .
13 When my elder son was born and I was having difficulty in breast-feeding him , my mother sympathised with me and told me that , just after I was born , she had had an abscess on one of her breasts and found feeding me something of an ordeal .
14 Montaine and I were not similar in any obvious way , but Jean-Claude may well have detected in me something of the quality he relied on in his sister .
15 It had to me something of the effect that arises from the turning up of the fresh soil , or of the first welcome breath of Spring .
16 These people bring with them something of the evangelist 's zeal .
17 Ruth told her something of the situation between herself and her cousins .
18 The Doc had told her something of the sort as he died .
19 It may have been presented to the Queen in order to show her something of the impact that Protestantism had made in Italy .
20 And , after all , The Last Days of Dolwyn had made him something of a film star .
21 He brought with him something of a reputation as a centre-half , but his Palace career , spread over five seasons , was spent largely as a full-back .
22 I suppose you could call him something of a gear freak .
23 He would , I think , have found Mrs Lavender 's attitude to him something of a challenge and it probably amused him to manipulate Mrs Kettle into defying her and then to observe her reactions .
24 His achievements in sport made him something of a celebrity at school and his status was in no small way boosted by the teachers ' approval .
25 But his immobility , long maintained , hinted at the heaviness of his thoughts , and lent him something of the awe that attached to his odious creation .
26 By then his triumphs there had given him something of the aura of the awaited one : his following was already in place ; he needed only to organize it .
27 Perhaps I see in him something of the son I would like to have had , but never did .
28 When he retired as chairman of British Aerospace in the summer of 1987 , Pearce had spent forty-two years in industry , all but ten weeks in management , which must make him something of an authority on the subject .
29 It conceals , both in Adrian Bromley himself and the enterprize he controls , a powerful dynamic which , in a relatively short period of time , appears to have created the potential to make it something of a jewel in the crown of the C&P operations .
30 It 's high time the label told us something of the state of a pot plant 's native habitat , as well as which windowsill to grow it on .
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