Example sentences of "[pron] mean [pron] 's the " in BNC.

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1 Er well er perhaps not , but what 's the , I mean what 's the context in wh wh which people quote that saying ?
2 Quite so it 's about feeling you 're going to make a fool of yourself , I mean what 's the feeling when you come in and you sit down first thing in the morning you look all round at the other eleven people
3 and I mean what 's the link between Hitler and communism ?
4 I mean what 's the position with ?
5 I mean what 's the hassle there ?
6 they , they still have n't got any , as you say they have n't got anything to eat , I mean what 's the point of you putting
7 Yeah , well what 's it , I mean what 's the .
8 Well I mean what 's the alternative ?
9 he gets sixty-three years , you know , I mean what 's the use of keeping a bugger like that for sixty-three years , it 's bloody ridiculous , in n it ?
10 When I say it 's the sort of answer you want I mean it 's the sort that might help you !
11 I mean it 's the same kind of adrenalin .
12 All I do know is that we 're very conscious a great deal of money 's been spent by the Council and by the Trust to try and make the place outside more inviting those tubs been put there er they been planted etc there 's a lot of litter there we 've put litter bins there there 's taxi rank there there 's lot 's of things been put there I think the problem is it is n't the people who do that I mean it 's the people who actually do the litter and it 's quite clear that we do go out we do tidy up but it happens and it 's a case of balance of what we can do and what you ca n't do but we do work at it I can assure you .
13 I mean it 's the obviously it 's the
14 You do n't really I mean I think I do n't know maybe working for a char firm of chartered surveyors you have I mean it 's the same system is n't working as a dogsbody and then maybe
15 I mean it 's the other way round and he is insanely in love with me , and April is mad with him because he is , and she is madder with me because I 'm not , since that is so insulting to them both . ’
16 And there 's I mean it 's the same for us , as well so er
17 Short answer , I mean it 's the the it 's it repeats referring to a document which Gordon had produced , whi whi which has already been er amended , erm , which bit are you actually looking at ?
18 But I mean it 's the idea , the idea is coming , is not coming from themselves , it 's coming from the Party that , that er that you can create a system without landlords .
19 I mean it 's the world
20 Er of course it 's , it 's , it 's I think it 's more longwinded than er I mean it 's the first time you 've fully got into it , and it 's more longwinded than the fifteen minutes allows you erm but I , I thought you were doing quite well to be honest .
21 I mean it 's the same kind of thing is n't it ?
22 I mean it 's the last fortnight she 's meant to be studying and she 's been out with her boyfriends and
23 Mm , well it always , I mean it 's the sort of thing keep .
24 Well I mean it 's the first position ever of such sort .
25 On Saturday well I mean it 's the option to have it Saturday .
26 But now more and more maybe cos they 're taking early retirement or getting made redundant I mean it 's the fellers is n't it ?
27 I mean it 's the sperm that 's
28 you might find something a little different , but I mean it 's the
29 Some , I mean it 's the sort of item that people probably buy hundreds of to hold items down with or construct something , er er put something together right ?
30 No it 's from the , it 's from the other old budget , I mean it 's the cos it 's b all been rejigged but the overall impact is that Ma Mark has got six vacancies .
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