Example sentences of "[pron] look as [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The only let-downs are cabin styling which looks as if it was lifted directly from the Corolla and an overall lack of identity .
2 Young lads gather round the car which looks as if it had been dead for days or weeks .
3 This is the reason for the internal head-band in helmets which looks as if it was put in in order to provide ventilation .
4 Two walls are broken by windows , a third is occupied by the fireplace ; a battered electric cooker and an old sink , which looks as if it were last used to dip sheep , stand on either side of another locked and bolted door .
5 There is a smaller bedroom and a tiny , suspiciously tidy kitchen , which looks as if it is not often used .
6 Her hair , which looked as if it had been inexpertly permed , was pulled back at the sides but frizzed over the high forehead in the poodle-like fashion of an Edwardian .
7 He was a stocky fifty-eight-year-old with grey hair and a small goatee beard which looked as if it had been stuck on to his chin with glue .
8 A flower-print dress was draped across the back of the chair , and there was a brown battered suitcase on the floor at her feet , which looked as if it had been pulled out from beneath the bed .
9 The most striking feature of his appearance was a sheepskin jacket which looked as if it had seen better days , sometime in the late nineteen seventies .
10 She was wearing a tight sort of dress in shiny , slippery silk , which looked as if it had been painted on to her body .
11 And before very long you found yourself involved with a project which looked as if it was actually going to take over your life .
12 The gallery itself looked as if it had been carved by some giant sculptor , minute details in the stonework wrought by caring as well as skilful hands .
13 Look — ’ he held aloft his battered , ink-bespattered copy — ‘ this one looks as if it 's been in use since the Boer War . ’
14 This is the Berthold specimen book and it worries me , because everything looks as if it 's supposed to sit in a line of eighteen point display , you know , sort of specimen setting , saying this is
15 And not expecting everything to look as if it 's been lifted straight from the page of a glossy foodie magazine . ’
16 The-middle one looked as if it had been shot and was going into its final dive .
17 ‘ We have taken a step backward , ’ Ryan said — and on this sorry evidence it looks as if it will be backwards all the way when the Test takes place at Cardiff Arms Park on 4 November .
18 A spokesman for British Gas said : ‘ It appears that gas was involved , although it looks as if it was a deliberate release rather than an accidental one . ’
19 Tanners Wine Merchants on Wyler Cop is a good place to visit : it looks as if it might be trade only , but is n't : march round the back , through the yard and go in .
20 These lists are not exhaustive — if they were they would fill the entire book — but work on the principle of : if it looks as if it will fit , then it probably will .
21 Inside , it looks as if it 's been used for tank practice .
22 It looks as if it must be something we are eating .
23 It looks as if it 's been made out of a tree and it feels lovely .
24 ‘ Otherwise it looks as if it belongs to me . ’
25 It looks as if it 's bad , an' all . ’
26 It looks as if it might cramp the teacher 's style .
27 Though at any given amount it looks as if it is n't going anywhere , it 's always on the move , lumbering from crisis to crisis .
28 This kitchen extension is an excellent example of how it should be done : it looks as if it was built at the same time as the rest of the house
29 But these days , if it looks as if it 's going to be nasty , I take the easy way out .
30 Microsoft Corp has been talking a little more about its planned Cairo — now called Windows Cairo — object-oriented operating system , and far from being a distant prospect , it looks as if it will come hard on the heels of Windows NT , with a professional developers ' kit available as soon as early next year according to the late Systems & Network Integration .
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