Example sentences of "[pron] look [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Women are in favour now as they are the outsiders and anyone who looks and acts differently is preferred currently .
2 Well if you go and sit in your chair nicely , you can sit and look at them as long as you look and do n't try and take them out They have to be delivered to you , wo n't they ?
3 You look and smell quite delicious , ’ Luke remarked with detachment .
4 There are many men with HIV who look and feel completely well .
5 The fact that everybody around me looked and sounded completely different from myself was worrying and disconcerting ; I wanted to shed all semblances of my past civilian life and be assimilated totally into the system of the Legion .
6 ‘ Nightie ’ and ‘ mighty ’ may sound alike but they look and feel entirely different , as do ‘ mow ’ and ‘ know ’ , ‘ mew ’ and ‘ new ’ , ‘ night ’ and ‘ might ’ ; compare them in up-to-time sentences .
7 He looks and sounds ever more of an anachronism .
8 And very impressive it looks and sounds too .
9 It seals up every nick , stimulates the skin to a tingling glow , leaves it looking and feeling very pleasant indeed , Corvette After-Shave may not turn you into a film star , but it certainly helps to make a man worth a second glance ! 3/9 a large bottle .
10 It looked and tasted exactly the same as the previous day 's meal which I had sampled in the Superintendent 's office — a medium-hot vegetable curry containing a mixture of root and leafy vegetables .
11 He looked and sounded genuinely apologetic .
12 He looked and sounded now so unlike Old Red , the reputed scourge of Benedict 's , that I could n't wait for my holiday to end to let me get back and tell the girls .
13 He looked and sounded so unlike his Benedict 's self that once again I forgot his alter ego .
14 He looked and sounded so totally indifferent , as though all questions were hypothetical .
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