Example sentences of "[pron] may never be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The present system of allocations , in which some stately committee offers the franchise to the most persuasive ( or plausible ) claimant on the basis of pledges which may never be fulfilled , is , all agree , very near indefensible .
2 Later , he would spend tens of millions of dollars , the true extent of which may never be known , to support the ultra-orthodox parties of Israel — enough to influence the country 's politics .
3 In letters , prescriptions , shopping lists , school essays , the reader normally pushes through a once-for-all interpretation of a text which may never be read again .
4 She has only one of her sons staying at home in South Ronaldsay and is concerned that she may never be allowed to care for the others .
5 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
6 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
7 The didactic contract is between teacher and pupil although it may never be made explicit .
8 Concern is growing that the 1985 decree setting aside the Yanomami Park — a large area of Brazilian rainforest inhabited by the Yanomami Indians — faces such massive opposition from Brazil 's powerful politicians , rich landowners and the military that it may never be enacted .
9 But it may cause cancers , but that 's so long in the future that it may never be traced back to Oxford .
10 IT may never be known whether the Syrian army ever really did intend to seize Baabda Palace , drive out General Michel Aoun , and install the new President , Elias Hrawi , in his place .
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