Example sentences of "[pron] want [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All I want is a normal life .
2 And , for the moment , all I want is a little peace and quiet although it 's not all that quiet , thanks to the gaps between the attic floorboards left by the cottage 's Victorian jerrybuilder : how Riva can snore on through all those goings-on I do not know .
3 ALL I want is a fantastic time with just as crazy a female .
4 ‘ What I want is a biodegradable board — like the husk of a grain of wheat .
5 All I want is a few answers , then you 're free to leave any time you like . ’
6 All I want is a yearly figure . ’
7 The problems start when they get out of the ‘ All I want is a basic word processor ’ frame of mind and start getting into some serious computing .
8 All I want is a little cottage .
9 But right now , all I want is a fair hearing .
10 ‘ What I want is a safe , happy and successful climb — very much in that order .
11 ‘ All I wanted was a signed photograph or something like that . ’
12 All I wanted was a few roses , for goodness ’ sake . ’
13 ‘ All I wanted was a pain-killer but they said at the desk that there were none in the hotel .
14 I already had two children , and the last thing I wanted was a third .
15 ‘ Besides , ’ she said , ‘ what you want is a decent story completed , not a good one abandoned . ’
16 If all you want is a simple page of text run out in one of the standard LaserWriter fonts then any of the bureau should be able to manage that without any difficulty at all — if they ca n't then they probably wo n't last long in the business .
17 See what you want is a little workshop out of sight do n't you ?
18 some she want 's a some vegetable samosas , thank you very much .
19 All she wanted was a doting beau on hand , and Rossmayne 's fortune .
20 Look , the question of what we want is a sociological one , which we answer by asking people , or by observing their behaviour .
21 What we want is a good mix of prisoners who come here wanting to take advantage of what we offer .
22 What one wants is a major library award of whatever it would cost to put a qualified librarian in .
23 We made it clear that what we wanted was a better social security system and not just a cheaper one .
24 what they want is a regional dialect as well .
25 All over the world ordinary people are marching , demonstrating , making their voices heard , letting the people in power know that what they want is a peaceful world for themselves and their children .
26 Now that I 'm famous , whenever I speak to my family , all they want is a signed photo for Enid or Ethel or someone at the office .
27 With our long history , with our traditions , what they have decided they want is a constitutional monarchy .
28 What they want is a quick response facility to deal with emerging issues , and if the IASC is not prepared to do it , they will take it on themselves .
29 The man they wanted was a New Zealand-born heroin tsar , sought in a dozen countries but slippery as an eel .
30 The buyers in this particular market were very clear that what they wanted was a small loan , for a fixed amount , over a short period , paid weekly to a collector .
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