Example sentences of "[pron] first [noun sg] is [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My first sympathy is with the people that they 're in there because of , if you see what I mean ?
2 The kitchen had built-in cupboards and shelves — my first memory is of sitting with my little sister in the most commodious shoe cupboard .
3 My first memory is of falling off a rather high bed at the age of three years on the evening that my parents had moved into a house near the top of Hampstead Heath , and of my Father going off on his bicycle to search for a doctor as I had cut my head .
4 My first memory is of sitting on a gravestone in that churchyard one cold , grey , December afternoon , looking out at the dark , flat , wild marshes divided by the black line of the River Thames , and listening to the rushing sound of the sea in the distance .
5 ‘ Look — my first responsibility is to Division —
6 As I see it my first responsibility is to my children and my parents . ’
7 But my first thought is for the little girls
8 I suspect the answer to my first question is about numbers of jobs , by virtue of what you 've just said as long as a piece of string .
9 My first interview is with Barbara Cartland .
10 My first visit is to the Red Cross , to pick up medicines requested on the previous patrol and then on to visit the Franciscan nuns , who run a school in Nicosia .
11 And my first meeting is at eight thirty . ’
12 ‘ I 'm back at Spurs , I 'm captain , and my first game is against my former club . ’
13 My first duty is with you , sir , but I 'll do my best . ’
14 My first duty is to my family . ’
15 Their first journey is to the stone city of Morphoton — an idyllic civilisation whose inhabitants apparently delight in serving others .
16 Their first match is against a men 's team from Accounts .
17 But stores like VG say their first duty is to the shoppers and they 'll make sure they keep the campaign in the headlines until they can sell the story themselves .
18 Their first game is against Saracens on 13 March , and that is followed by London Irish , Bath and Northampton .
19 Because I have this feeling I often have this feeling that these global aspects the person in the street , their first priority is about their damp house and the rest of it , it 's very difficult to erm .
20 It is a creature of the Secretary of State for Wales and the right hon. Gentleman has shown that its first responsibility is to him and not to the local community .
21 The fiscals are lawyers whose first concern is with the proper and fair application of the law .
22 ‘ Contrary to public belief , it 's not all it is cracked up to be , ’ said Whitney , whose first role is opposite Kevin Costner .
23 Indeed it may be asked why companies whose first duty is to their shareholders should put huge sums into the education system .
24 ‘ His victory represents a triumph for those whose priority is care for patients over those whose first care is for balance sheets . ’
25 Back to the National , for this week there can be no getting away from it , his first memory is of watching Red Rum 's first triumph .
26 His first race is at Brands Hatch on Easter weekend and then its off to Knockhill for round one of the British Championship …
27 Is it within your power to draw the Prime Minister 's attention to the fact that his first responsibility is to the House of Commons , that there is a Prime Minister 's Question Time every Tuesday and Thursday and that we have a Foreign Secretary and a Secretary of State for Defence who are quite able to deal with international and defence commitments overseas ?
28 Similarly , the newly recruited engineer who six months previously was poring over the computer printout of a great new turbo-jet test run trying to find out why there was a short-fall in the power output will not find it at all easy if his first job is with a little four cylinder piston engine .
29 Unsurprisingly , given this position , he is insistent that Anglo-Saxon and philology be retained as essential features of English studies , even in the light of the growth of the discipline : " Our first responsibility is to our subject , and , as that expands , we must not look for more ingenious methods of selection but for more time to do it justice .
30 Our first concern is with deciding what culture does .
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