Example sentences of "[pron] just do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I just do not want to do P E !
2 The children were terrified when the flood happened and I just do not think they would want to come back . ’
3 Channell remembered a curious phone call from him — not an everyday occurrence , and Channell was on respectful tenterhooks — — in which the president began : ‘ I just do not understand Tip O'Neill .
4 I just do not understand that girl . ’
5 I just do not understand at all . ’
6 For the last couple of days I have frantically been trying to work out some sort of compromise , but whichever way I look at it , I just do not have the cash to flee the country .
7 I just do not believe it , ’ said Werewolf .
8 Now having said that , of course , I 've almost answered the other question , that I just do not believe there are any rules .
9 Now having said that , of course , I 've almost answered the other question , that I just do not believe there are any rules .
10 I just do not see that any logic can be applied in this process at all .
11 I just do not know what aircraft this was , I had never seen such a type before , but he made a very cautious circuit and then to my amazement an approach to land despite the red Very lights pooped off from the control tower .
12 I just do not know what to think any more .
13 ‘ I have never felt more comfortable in a job saying I just do not know , ’ he said .
14 I think it is artificial and horrid … and I just do n't pander to it . ’
15 I just do n't feel I 've quite cracked it yet .
16 last week , week before , I was told a chest infection and throat infection and well I just do n't feel no better .
17 I just do n't feel I had the right level of care . ’
18 ‘ But it 's no good , I just do n't feel up to it .
19 ‘ I know , but I just do n't feel that this warrants it ! ’
20 I just do n't feel like singing right now . ’
21 Well , well I think I would , I would rath it I mean i it they 've got the responsibility to whistle blow now , you know , professional they 've got , er you know , they 're they these are professionals and they should , they should whistle blow and I mean Maxwell is a perfect example of how nobody , nobody blew the whistle and if you read through the writs , those lots of these people knew what were what was happening an and the whistle should have been blown and I see no reason why the why the pension regulator is going to get any different , different response and also I mean really these people are being in many cases given by th given information by their clients , you know , and I think it 's a very difficult situation to turn round to , to somebody like Mr Maxwell and say well look I 'm terribly sorry Mr Maxwell , we 're going to report you to the pensions regulator , you know and I think that , that er you will just find that that I just do n't feel that the pension regulator in , in that respect , I mean I , I think that I might like to if Peter suggested a pension fraud squad that , that had a open telephone line and the same sort of er powers as the Serious Fraud Office you know , so that if er anybody in a pension fund could , could ring a number and er and people absolutely descended th that , I mean they ge they say somewhere in the report that the pension regulator is going to have er powers and monies to do spot checks .
22 I just do n't feel that you know , she 's basically taken Robert back last night , that was very kind of her and all that , she said oh it 's been nice to have him and erm but er Oliver and Robert had got on really well and erm that 's all really .
23 One of the questions erm , there was a one of the categories was quiz shows so I thought well I , I do n't , I wo n't do very well here cos I just do n't watch enough and one of the questions was , who was the helper on erm My , on Take Your Pick ?
24 I just do n't want to mess up your life .
25 Normally I would , but I just do n't want to move .
26 I just do n't want to go back to Combe Court .
27 I du n no , but I just do n't want to budge .
28 I just do n't want an apartheid government in Namibia , ’ said Naftali Herunga , who confided that he had been a soldier , serving in 102 Battalion — an ethnic Herero unit — under the South Africans .
29 So I said , ‘ Look , I just do n't want it , ’ so he tells me not to be so clever .
30 I just do n't want you to touch me , that 's all ! ’
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