Example sentences of "[pron] could have [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I could have got my nose in front again maybe I could have twisted it round but it was n't to be . ’
2 ‘ If you 'd asked , I could have saved you the trouble , ’ said Connor pleasantly .
3 I could have saved you ! ’
4 I 'm not saying I could have saved it , but in other spins since , I 've realised what is about to happen and dropped in quick to save it .
5 I do n't think I could have handled it if I 'd been given a sentence .
6 I could have sent him some of my wages . ’
7 I could have lost you . ’
8 ‘ I doubt whether I could have indicated it more clearly than by the importance I placed on foreign affairs in the last year .
9 ‘ Hardly , or I could have asked it over the telephone , and avoided imposing upon you .
10 And that , I I was , my hus , during the time mother was ill , my husband took ill , now this is where authorities do n't give you any back up , instead of sending him to hospital which was fifteen minutes by bus , I could have visited him every day they sent him to the other side of the county which only allowed a visit once a week , and meant I had to leave at twelve o'clock and get home at six !
11 you know I only wish I could have heard him
12 I could have fixed it , but but I could n't find the thing
13 ‘ In past years I could have authorized it , ’ Potter says .
14 Once someone in the crew told my boyfriend that a love scene I 'd done with Craig really sizzled — and I could have kicked her because it was just a scene , it was n't real . ’
15 I could have fired her , you know ?
16 I could have destroyed you six years ago , ’ he continued .
17 As I say , I could have destroyed you , or so I thought at the time , but you 've turned out to be a lot tougher than I had imagined … not vulnerable or confused at all .
18 ‘ Stay calm , Roger , I could have blown you up but I did n't .
19 I could have called it k instead , but for reasons that become apparent in a moment we will be interested in the size of the square root of the number , so I have used
20 However , had that been a reason , I could have accepted it .
21 The connection with neurosis was not unconscious , nor yet fully conscious in the sense that I could have expressed it verbally , but it was , in being unique , all-pervasive .
22 Do you think I would have let the Master grow into the twisted megalomaniac he is if I could have prevented it ?
23 ‘ If I 'd had three boys I could have fitted them into the same bedrooms . ’
24 I suppose I could have imagined it . ’
25 Meg said again : ‘ I suppose I could have imagined it , but I do n't think so .
26 I could have strangled him .
27 I was I was so angry and and I see him a out and about and when I first saw him about I could have I could have run him down .
28 I could have kissed him .
29 I was so elated and relieved I could have kissed them , but immediately felt ashamed that I 'd let them see my fear .
30 I could have hit him !
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