Example sentences of "[pron] could [verb] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If I had a stick I could manage all right , really . ’
2 Up and up we went and when I could walk no longer he lay me down and covered me with kisses and love bites .
3 I could walk as fast as I ever did but I tended to roll my shoulders and turn my three-toed foot in as I did so .
4 I felt rather miserable , but at least I could walk about now , in a two-metre circle .
5 I had an idea I could hide out there for a while , maybe rest up , maybe make a connection who could get me out of the City .
6 One foreign ministry clerk in the early years of the twentieth century " soon decided that it was not worth the trouble to go to the office to sleep when I could sleep more comfortably in my own bed or pass my time in more interesting or more amusing tasks " , while an Italian ambassador is said to have spent only fifteen days of a year in residence in a post which he disliked .
7 ‘ Oh , but I could sleep down here , ’ she said instantly .
8 " You mean I could break down altogether ? "
9 When I said ‘ English ’ he started on some obscure anecdote in which I could make out little except the name ‘ Margaret ’ and the repetition of ‘ kato , kato ’ , ‘ down , down ’ .
10 Damned if I could make out quite what 's going on and I 've been trying hard enough . ’
11 I knew I could do well academically and I did it as a challenge to the conventional idea of the black kid who 's good at sports , yet with no brains .
12 I could do no better than use the graphic terms in which my hon. Friend described Labour 's position .
13 And then , since weeping was something I could do fairly easily , providing I thought hard enough on a sad theme , I should see if a few womanly tears would be a good ploy .
14 . which I could do very well . ’
15 " I am not sure I could do as well as you say in politics .
16 I could do so easily enough myself . ’
17 I replied rather coldly that I had not drunk alcohol since 1939 , and that it had been my hope that we should stop somewhere where I could wash up generally , relieve myself and have a little rest .
18 I could continue considerably longer on this fascinating subject , in fact I have several pages of notes here if anybody wishes to come and ask me any questions .
19 Chair , if I could move on then to the budget proper , and I apologize for the numbering .
20 ‘ When I was young , I could move as fast as Harald .
21 After tearing both my ACL and MCL ( medial collateral ligament ) in a skiing accident last season , I decided to take the latter course and found that I could ski relatively safely with the aid of a brace .
22 I looked forward to the time when I could speak well enough to talk to them .
23 Right now , she thought ; I could leave right now .
24 If I could leave right now I would ! ’
25 I could wake up tomorrow , and I 'd be back where I started , working in the tyre factory trying to save up the money to release a single . ’
26 I could sack out right away , with some scotch and a few Serafim .
27 Red , orange , green — I could stay here forever .
28 If for any reason I had to spend the night in town and my friend Wilma could n't have me , I could stay there very cheaply with the girls .
29 ‘ I wish I could stay out there until dark , ’ he said after his first round .
30 I could sense how badly Foo wanted the Eddie .
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