Example sentences of "[pron] when he [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Quite how he was supposed to stand up for himself when he was tied up in a wicker laundry basket which had been left under a running shower was another matter .
2 He said into himself when he was losing power
3 ‘ I 'll find you a book , ’ said Joe , who needed to keep his living-room to himself when he was doing his specialized work .
4 Thomas first discovered that for himself when he was shooting Twice Round The Daffodils .
5 The former chairman of the board of governors of Longlands College in Middlesbrough is a quietly spoken man , who when he was elected in November said he was determined to serve all the people of Langbaurgh , whether or not they had voted for him .
6 And he was so nice to her when he was doing it .
7 Racing up in tears and clutching at her when he was hurt .
8 Sarazen was so sure that Daniels had been the key to his win that he asked for the old boy to be with him when he was presented with the claret jug , saying it was a ‘ team victory ’ .
9 In an affidavit sworn on 17 December 1991 ‘ to assist the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in relation to the conduct of the [ defendant 's ] trial ’ Mr. Pantry stated that the addendum was in the case file which was given to him when he was assigned to prosecute .
10 The question remains whether the caution which was undoubtedly administered to him when he was charged can similarly be overridden by the subsequent section 2(2) notice .
11 I only saw him when he was leaving .
12 He left the room and was about to close the door behind him when he was hit in the back by the door itself slamming shut .
13 He never knew whether the gendarme understood him or not but felt relief flood over him when he was dismissed with a curt wave of the hand .
14 The gun was a rifle , Russian military issue , assigned to him when he was conscripted into Tsar Alexander III 's army on 17 August 1881 .
15 So it 's either at his flat or , more likely , he had it with him when he was blown to bits . ’
16 A Spanish driver let his fiery temper get the better of him when he was stopped by police .
17 I think I preferred him when he was stoned .
18 I never met him when he was atrophied or drear . ’
19 ‘ Because you were a contemporary of a student named Morpurgo and were with him when he was injured in a car crash in the Trinity term of 1968 .
20 The manager had explained to him when he was taken on that the insurance people insisted the wharf was guarded at all times before they would agree to give cover .
21 She would call him when he was needed .
22 He had a supply with him when he was captured , but this would have run out by then .
23 ‘ And I never even came to see him when he was dying , ’ she choked .
24 He also had a finger in theatrical production and I first knew him when he was associated with Elspeth Cochrane 's literary management during the 1960s .
25 ‘ You should have seen him when he was caught , ’ said another robber .
26 Sometimes they used it on him when he was waiting to be served by a barman , or even when he was just standing waiting to cross a busy street , but mostly it was when he was talking to somebody official .
27 I stumbled over him when he was visiting Ted Yaxlee .
28 Paul gives a revealing insight into Peter 's ministry when he suggests that Peter 's wife accompanied him when he was travelling and church building .
29 I used to carry the box up for him when he was going to smoke the bees out , and I was able to observe him pretty closely .
30 Er three of you told him when he was going to get it .
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