Example sentences of "[pron] when i [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 They when I when I became a full time employer er a full time employee with the union it was all more or less small bakeries .
2 Oh I have a , have a cigar when I when I have a pint .
3 I 'd like to breed from her when I have a bit more space .
4 We were well past him when I heard a bottle smash .
5 I was near it when I saw a man sitting on the ground , half asleep .
6 Irate with frustration through constantly having to pick up my pencils after bending over , I really thought I 'd cracked it when I bought a ‘ posh ’ mechanical pencil , with a clip .
7 I was still arguing childishly against myself when I heard a little noise at the door .
8 A nagging doubt began to affect me when I observed a signpost to Cape Town .
9 Quite a come-down from the two-page list of duties required of me when I had a real job .
10 I would appreciate it if the two gentlemen who stopped to help me when I had an accident with my car on the road near Dounreay on 1/12/92 would contact me — Ellen Campbell , Reay 345 .
11 For example : I expect her to obey me when I make a reasonable request or command , so that , if ( say ) I ask her to remain at the table until she 's finished her meal , she does so without endless arguments or fits of temper .
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