Example sentences of "[pron] take him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Would I take him in the lorry ? yes I can do that for you .
2 I took him into the hangar where the kites were and stroked his uniform , I kissed his insignia , Then I found out how far his freckles went down , I got him so worked up he 'd have promised me anything to let him do it to me That was really how he saw it , it was something he wanted to do to a girl .
3 I took him into the business with me , you know , after all that bother at the Turk 's Head . ’
4 I got him into the factory and from there we got the ambulance and … and I took him to the Royal Victoria Infirmary . ’
5 P. E. A man dropped dead in front of me on the street and I took him to the mortuary and I got into trouble over it because I did n't search the body properly .
6 I took him to the ‘ Tally 's ’ ( ice-cream shop ) at the corner of our street and Bedford Street — and bought him a large cone .
7 I took him to the Savoy Hotel .
8 I took him to the St Petersburg library , let him show me pictures of the uniforms .
9 I took him to the first Giants game when he was three .
10 This was going on for a couple of days , so I was getting worried and I took him to the prison doctor and he says , ‘ It might be with you breastfeeding , try him on the bottle . ’
11 Although it was late and Mr Edgar was tired after his journey , Joseph insisted , so I took him to the master 's room .
12 I took him to the Spar shop !
13 I took him through the events of the day and in particular Graham Fearnley 's unpleasant tale of how Martinez had fixed the Curtis/Marsh contracts .
14 I took him around the garden and told him simply , in the hope that it would feed through to the Romanian government , that we were making the most enormous efforts to try to break this COCOM problem .
15 After breakfast at the palace all the inmates are thrown out , whatever the weather , and the only place he can take his child is outside : " Usually I take my little boy at weekends to the fair at Whitley Bay , or I take him on the metro and we sit at the front — he loves trains .
16 I take him to the yard .
17 ‘ Sometimes when I take him to the local toddler group and watch him playing with the other children , I think it would be great if he could just feel the sand in the sandpit between his toes and know what it 's like to get his hands all messed up with play dough or paint — the things other children take for granted . ’
18 ‘ Sure , I take him in the jungle , Jefe . ’
19 She expects him to be an untidy swimmer , but is irritated to find that he has a smooth powerful crawl which takes him through the water swiftly and seriously .
20 She watched him dive , slicing into the water like a knife , and then continue in a powerful crawl which took him towards the centre of the lake .
21 Pearce pauses for reflection when asked to define the qualities which took him to the top with such apparent ease .
22 Then he received an offer to appear in Return from the River Kwai , which took him to the steaming jungles of the Philippines .
23 In 1894 he was awarded a London county council scholarship with distinctions , which took him to the Kenmont Gardens Science School ( 1894–7 ) and in 1896 he was awarded an evening exhibition to the Regent Street Polytechnic .
24 One of the best known names in football has been teaching a group of schoolchildren some of the skills which took him to the top of the game .
25 He walked back by a different route which took him along the waterfront .
26 Tony , on the Leicester right , started it five yards from his own line with a brilliant burst which took him over the half-way line .
27 As a former winner at Dornoch ( 1985 ) , where nobody took him beyond the 16th green , Garth has the right credentials for a marathon week 's work — sound legs and wind , a good nerve , great concentration , and all the shots for a course that will test the strong and mock the timid .
28 When she takes him into the living-room there is a kind of roar , and a man emerges from the background of people and easy chairs , and advances upon Howard , his arms outstretched , his deep , dark eyes raking back and forth over Howard 's face , soaking it in with eager amazement .
29 Johnny will you take him to the toilet please .
30 When she was free she took him into the office and sank into a chair as though exhausted .
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