Example sentences of "[pron] know she could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No I know , I know she could n't
2 I had never suspected she had ever loved any man but Simon Ellis and I knew she could not have been referring to him since she had never spoken of him without affection and great kindness .
3 I knew she could n't swim so it was obvious she drowned . ’
4 Er you know she could n't stick it , she , she gave it up , it was too hard work .
5 So he 's a nice lad you know she could n't , she could n't of picked anybody better , he do n't drink a lot , you know just have them
6 Erm the only thing that occurred to me I just wondered if she knew somebody who had a dearly loved dog that , did n't want to train it but you know she could perhaps just take along for the joy of running it and training it but I think part of the pleasure is the reflected glory you know it 's my dog
7 Or so terrified of what she knew she could no longer hold back ?
8 So far as she could recall , she had seen no reviews but then , of course , she knew she could easily have missed them in the interstices of choosing wallpaper , driving down to Hillmarden , overseeing decorators , interviewing nannies , buying a layette and all the hundred and one other things with which she was continually being confronted .
9 He drove so smoothly and the tyres hummed so pleasantly on the tarred road that she knew she could easily have slept .
10 She knew she could n't , did n't want to .
11 But she knew she could n't ask while Gloria was still getting herself straight inside .
12 Dot did n't mind about the toys and she knew she could n't ask for ginger pop because that cost money but she would have liked to have had her victory token back .
13 Not by the slightest word or look did she betray to Miss Miggs that she knew she could n't read .
14 But , with a growing sense of foreboding , she knew she could n't do that .
15 Constance promised that she would , but she was so afraid of the outcome that she knew she could n't , not until she and Ludovico had been married and she was beyond her mother 's power .
16 It was then she knew she could n't stay there , not with him .
17 Furthermore , she was reaching the point when she knew she could n't go on working with Beatrice and the others , deceiving them with her wrong-doings .
18 But this felt queerly the same — being called on to do something she knew she could n't , and by one whose freedom depended on it .
19 She thought of going back and finding it all different , the old contentment shattered … and she knew she could n't bear that .
20 It was like a place to hide in , a great strong haven holding her … but she knew she could n't stay there .
21 For the first time since she had moved back into the house , she knew she could n't face an evening with Jacob .
22 Half a dozen cutting remarks trembled on the tip of her tongue , but though she longed to hurl them at him , and watch him shrivel , she knew she could n't .
23 She knew she could n't do that .
24 Suddenly she knew she could n't face him again in this new vulnerability — could n't look into his eyes and see sympathy .
25 A tiny part of her wanted to confront him with what he 'd done ; yet she knew she could n't do it , could n't bear looking into his sea-blue eyes , or at the lips which had kissed her so tenderly the night before , only to laugh with Marianne today as he shared with her the secrets Shannon had confided so trustingly — so blindly !
26 She knew she could n't do that .
27 But she knew she could n't have gone and left Jeff in such a fix .
28 He disturbed her even when he said nothing , because she knew she could n't read his mind .
29 Her hands were shaking , the palms damp , and she knew she could n't stand to save her life .
30 After what she had gone through she knew she could not reconstruct the universe , only recapture her own lost world .
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