Example sentences of "[pron] know that she had " in BNC.

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1 I am still dreaming of the white cotton lace bedspread that I have always promised to knit for my ‘ best friend ’ because I know that she had always wanted one .
2 I was a virgin when we married , but I know that she had been with other men before me .
3 I was surprised , for I knew that she had no relatives in England at all .
4 She said , ‘ So you see , she did think of you , and wanted you to know that she had .
5 ‘ Little did she know that she had just landed one of the world 's greatest exponents of ‘ leap before you look ’ as a buyer , or she 'd probably have persuaded you to buy London Bridge and a stake in a Peruvian gold-mine at the same time . ’
6 Afterwards she knew that she had tried , but had not triad very hard .
7 Just before leaving the consulting room she knew that she had one thing left to do and it was important .
8 She knew that she had come home .
9 And she knew that she had seen that expression before , and very recently .
10 Yes , she knew that she had .
11 There would be a photograph , but she knew that she had failed to get up .
12 One lady positively adored her little Chihuahua , Poco , for 15 years , but the time came when he was persistently ill and she knew that she had to save him from further suffering .
13 She knew that she had made a fatal mistake .
14 She knew that she had no reason to feel ashamed .
15 She knew that she had made an impression on Nicky , simply by the way he had looked at her when he and his mother had said goodbye .
16 She knew that she had been a success and that Ludo was proud of her .
17 And although she was sad , she knew that she had to go with him and she did .
18 Liz was humiliated by this , rather than enraged , but she knew that she had to qualify in order ever to be free and accepted the conditions .
19 She knew that she had lost her independence as a woman , which she had been so proud of .
20 She knew that she had never been an intellectual , but she thought that she had probably once been capable of insight .
21 She felt happier about Kathleen now that she knew that she had a champion in Ella , but she had little time to dwell on the O'Neills .
22 She knew that she had taken sides .
23 She knew that she had no choice , really .
24 It had been bad enough lying to Piers , leaving him because she knew that she had to , however much she disliked it , but to while away her time here , doing nothing but mulling over past events , was a recipe for misery .
25 The art shop in Covent Garden was the largest she could think of offhand , and the minute she walked in she knew that she had done the right thing .
26 Reason had grown wings and flown out of the window , but she knew that she had to recapture it or else give in to him , and live to regret her weakness .
27 She wanted desperately to reach out to him , but she knew that she had to wait for him to make the first move .
28 She knew that she had pushed her dreadful experience away , had refused to be broken , had tried to pretend that it had never happened .
29 They 'd been friends , companions , they 'd got on well together , but , now that she knew what real love was , she knew that she had never for one moment loved him .
30 Suddenly she knew that she had to warn him .
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