Example sentences of "[pron] know [that] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 As to the rest of his question then of course I and I suspect and perhaps I know that everybody in the house would urge Sinn Fein er to consider very seriously a positive response to the joint declaration .
2 The sound came from over the garden wall and I knew that no-one in that part of Gigant Street kept chicken .
3 ‘ Oh , St. David , you know that we in Wales are very proud of our rugby .
4 You know that everything in here has come from you .
5 ‘ And how do we know that everything in this dump has n't fallen off the back of a lorry ? ’
6 The judges who decided McLoughlin worried about the most accurate description of the principles underlying the precedent cases cited to them , although they knew that nothing in the explicit extension of any convention settled what these principles were or what weight they should be given .
7 Now he knew that something in her life had caused her great pain and , even though he could n't possibly have any idea what it had been , still she was racked by his knowing even that much about her .
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