Example sentences of "[pron] know [subord] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , when it stops let me know cos I 'll turn it over .
2 Let me know if I can do anything . ’
3 It is usual to have a closing pleasantry , but you should only use them if they add to the letter in a positive manner : Please let me know if I can be of further assistance .
4 Good heavens , I think your plan to retire is for the best ; let me know if I can help in any way .
5 ‘ Let me know if I can help , ’ Bridget offered .
6 Sorry to lay this on you , not fair I know as I 'll probably be right as rain by the time you get this .
7 Erm ah , now that erm I think I was reasonably happy most of the time , erm I know if I can sort of look at the other side of the coin erm , I became a bit apprehensive as the war went on and er , obviously it was n't going to last much longer .
8 I 've gone through courses like Alternatives to Violence and Psychodrama , which are so highly pressured , that I know if I can do those .
9 I knew before I could see for sure that Jo would be driving .
10 So I do n't You know whilst I would have normally if I 'd been teaching a class done about five or six examples of that , that 's all you 're gon na get .
11 I did n't go till about half ten ah no cos I had a few letters and stuff to write first and I thought right I 'll just take me time and , cos I wanted to I did n't wan na go faster than you know than I should , I should have done sort of thing cos I wanted to time it properly .
12 The , for example , where I worked I had to bale out you know in the morning about thirty pails of water , you know before I could even see my footboard .
13 You must n't walk away you know cos I sha n't be ab you 're supposed to be on my tape !
14 I 'm a bit concerned you know , about this , just this one week 's wages you know because I would have thought once Jack got his time sheet out he would perhaps realised that
15 Well I 'll tomorrow morning phone them up find out exactly what time , and register you rather than me if it 's you know if I ca n't get to it .
16 And I never phone unless I can erm , well you know if I can possibly avoid it I never phone at the most expensive time of day , I avoid mornings like the plague if I can possibly manage
17 Who knows if I may not have need of you by to-morrow ? ’
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