Example sentences of "[pron] see [indef pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But never have I seen anything like the fights in Delhi .
2 I thought I saw somebody pass the window , ’ said Sophia .
3 This is a person who sees nothing to recommend the Duomo at Siena ( ‘ it seems to have been got by outlining ’ ) , nor Sienese painting in general : ‘ evidence of love ; but not of art …
4 It is , it is simulate valve which basically your out in the open and you see somebody firing the regiment , I know its a bit silly but there is no real way , mind you ,
5 We have er patrols , patrols out in the erm out in the area as part of our normal job , if they see anybody infringing the order , they 'll have a word with them and er make sure they know about it , and apart from that , as I say , we 're appealing to the good sense of our customers , we are in a very serious situation .
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