Example sentences of "[pron] out [prep] the next " in BNC.

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1 If your marriage is on the rocks , the thing to do is throw a wobbly on a motorway at night so that your husband will put you out at the next lay-by .
2 ‘ You let me out at the next corner .
3 Francis has aggravated an old groin problem in training , and said : ‘ You can count me out for the next two weeks . ’
4 But I do n't think it 's fair to take it out on the next person .
5 Insert needle again in stitch above and bring it out through the next stitch at the left ( Fig. 4 ) .
6 Insert needle again in the lower stitch and bring it out in the next stitch to the left ( Fig. 2 ) .
7 Erm the economic development unit of the borough , Mr Allenby , should know more about it than me , but they have done studies of the firms in Harrogate that can be expected to seek relocation within the borough as they sort themselves out over the next five years , and erm their own calculations for the next five years is more than the county 's whole calculation for the next fifteen years , which suggested to us again that there was a problem about the understanding that the county had on the matter of relocations within Harrogate compared with what was going on locally .
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