Example sentences of "[pron] come [prep] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
2 3 ) ‘ When the babies are very young leave them to come to terms with others at their own pace . ’
3 Well I work as a psychotherapist and it seems to me that for some people change is impossible and when that is the case then its my job to help them to come to terms with who they are and what they are and how there going to remain , but the other side of it is helping people to change and I have to say usually its to loose weight , that 's the biggest reason people want to change .
4 And whatever Councillor says , there was an inadequate period for that essential preparation , both within the directorate and for heads and teachers , to allow them to come to terms with what Local Manage of the schools meant .
5 ‘ The revelation of these fragments of past lives helped me to come to terms with my true nature , and to understand why I had been troubled in the past . ’
6 I am wondering , I suppose , although I hate to sound impossibly naïve , whether there might be anything in your religion , in your beliefs , or your understanding of belief , that might help me with this , that might help me to come to terms with it ?
7 ‘ It took a long time for me to come to terms with the whole mistletoe thing .
8 We must try to help ourselves to come to terms with the changes in farming , but if the present position persists , farmers in rural areas will not be seen to be working in line with the avowed aim of my right hon. Friend the Minister of a good environmental policy mixed with good farming .
9 I came into contact with nearly all the fifty members of the community and with some intimately .
10 I came to London with one set of thoughts about universality and triteness .
11 I came to London with one set of thoughts about universality and triteness .
12 Mm , I came to Harlow with my parents , when my husband was in the Air Force
13 You do not even disapprove , very much , of the way I came to bed with you .
14 ‘ Tosca was the first score I came to grips with , and what a score !
15 But I came to terms with all that because the house has so much going for it in other ways .
16 Eventually I came to terms with doing what I call a ‘ sequence of interesting things ’ .
17 I came to terms with that long before the accident .
18 I came to Congress with my contribution to this debate firmly fixed in my own mind , but unsure of the view of the leadership of our union , given the views quoted to them in the press as their own .
19 When I was eighteen I came in contact with the Catholic Crusade which was a rather left wing Christian Socialist Organization and I found that their attitude to problems contained the answers for which I had been searching for a good many years tell me when you want me to raise something .
20 And I came in contact with a lot of pretty nurses .
21 In 1942 , to someone coming from Edinburgh with its romantic Old Town skyline of spires against hills , contrasting with the austere classical splendours of the Georgian New Town , Wolverton was something of a cultural shock .
22 ‘ Thomas , can I come to Boston with you ? ’ she asked him abruptly .
23 How may I come in touch with you ? ’
24 The only problem was that my present wife , Isabella Rossellini , also insisted I come to lessons with our daughter , to make sure she was happy .
25 Now I do have input into what I think will sell in Europe and in Asia and my background in private and investment banking has contributed to our expansion in these directions ; I come into contact with different people from those who might normally come into Colnaghi 's , giving rise to possible purchasing opportunities .
26 I find it very difficult to accept the immigrant people and children that I come into contact with .
27 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
28 And I come in contact with people from other parts say erm .
29 as I say , the majority of the people whom I come in contact with , they 're just people .
30 They argue that during the 1960s the USA had a growing and increasingly confident professional-managerial class which came into conflict with the ruling class .
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