Example sentences of "[pron] so [adv] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Virtually nothing so far had been published on its birds .
2 A burly constable was already standing by the public telephone , and no-one so far had been sufficiently intrepid as to approach him .
3 He tried to spot any spy-flies lurking in this foyer , little spies which so recently had been his own to command , till they were stolen .
4 What seem to have been overlooked is the possibility that user feedback during the search process may be a crucial element which so far has been underestimated .
5 which so far has been
6 She thought that perhaps her manner was somewhat too bold for one who so recently had been only a governess , and now wanted to be even less .
7 The period you so fondly remember was dominated by activist and economically unschooled regulators and judges .
8 The you so pointedly admonished is the addressee of the poem , Torquatus , a representative Roman , fictionally standing in for the reader at large .
9 A hospital spokeswoman said : ‘ Everything so far has been straightforward .
10 It would not be simple at all , because nothing she had told him so far had been trusted .
11 The only politicians to have said much about it so far have been presidents of the individual boroughs .
12 Above all , it is sad that so many educated people have hardened themselves against science , because if they had not , and if instead of floundering historians who have never heard of Joseph Priestley and Erasmus Darwin , and effete scholars of English who have never heard of history , we had Renaissance men , then science might be more controllable , more easily and naturally directed to the fulfilment of human aims : an agent of democracy rather than ( as it so often has been ) of rule by military or commercial despotism .
13 What so often happens is that we do not share feelings till finally the back filter gets overloaded and we literally blow a hole through it sending forth a gush of accusations which are totally counterproductive .
14 And what so often happens is I ask a fairly innocuous question .
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