Example sentences of "[pron] they can be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The structure of dialogue , moreover , disallows the taking up of any position beyond the interlocutors from which they can be integrated into a larger totality .
2 As the young runner 's confidence grows in this way the coach 's job is to fuel the novice 's dreams by suggesting practical ways in which they can be achieved .
3 The empirical research carried out here is intended to test the feasibility of this approach , as well as providing some general indications of what the effects might be and of one way by which they can be represented on the final output map .
4 The facts of deixis should act as a constant reminder to theoretical linguists of the simple but immensely important fact that natural languages are primarily designed , so to speak , for use in face-to-face interaction , and thus there are limits to the extent to which they can be analysed without taking this into account ( Lyons , 1977a : 589ff ) .
5 If this is so , these varieties must incorporate within themselves sets of recurrent and distinctive norms , through which they can be characterized , but which do not usually coincide with the norms of the standard language .
6 By dressing a narrow window with curtains inside the reveal you will cut out light during the day as there is no additional space in which they can be stacked back .
7 This study will examine various organisational forms of international collaboration in defence and civilian research and development ( R&D ) and attempt to formulate a set of variables with which they can be evaluated and collaboration as a form of organisation assessed .
8 There is , Althusser stresses , no ‘ single ideological base time , to which all these different temporalities can be related , no ordinary ‘ single continuous reference time ’ which they can be seen to dislocate ( 105 ) .
9 John Mason in Tensions vividly describes some of the ( necessarily ) conflicting forces on teachers and suggests ways in which they can be seen as productive .
10 All such options need to be examined for their effectiveness in reducing emissions so as to achieve air quality standards , as well as for their technical and economic feasibility , the speed with which they can be implemented , and their enforceability .
11 Earls Court made a successful return to hosting seated events last year , in a move made possible by new developments in demountable seating and the speed with which they can be constructed and dismantled .
12 All the sharp criteria and clear theoretical thinking in the world are of no help without good experimental model systems in which they can be explored .
13 At best , the CTP is a vacuous summary of these observations , a framework within which they can be gathered together .
14 As with all other aspects of capitalist society , however , local variations in the interpretation of these two roles and the institutional framework within which they can be operated are normal .
15 Under ordinary border conditions they often become stunted and their leaves burned at the edges because they are too dry , so the only place in which they can be grown properly is a bog garden .
16 4 Talk about the two stories — are there any ways in which they can be made even better ?
17 Increased awareness is the basis on which they can be developed .
18 It is pretty clear that Labour believes that it can not get a majority for those policies domestically and therefore wants to achieve a situation in which they can be imposed on us by a majority of continental countries .
19 Proprietary life assurance companies are no different in this respect but it is very difficult to ascertain the amounts of profit arising from individual contracts and the exact period of time over which they can be said to have been earned .
20 The Transfer Regulations reverse the common law position which is that persons employed in that business will be redundant unless the vendor has other business in which they can be redeployed .
21 For social reasons , both the degree of concentration of certain acknowledged problems and the extent to which they can be explained by internal processes of self-generation rather externally imposed processes may be grossly exaggerated .
22 It is these syntactic relationships and the ways in which they can be handled which are primarily responsible for the distinction between pre-coordinate and post coordinate indexing systems — approaches which will be considered in Chapter 17 .
23 Because food additives are so important in hyperkinetic syndrome , you need to be aware of other ways in which they can be consumed .
24 This hits application performance , but the company has come up with the innovative idea of letting users run NLMs in protected mode until they are proved stable , after which they can be invited into the same memory segment as the core operating system to boost performance .
25 Mass-spectrometry techniques ( see glossary ) are currently receiving attention because they are superior to other methods in sensitivity and the range of chemical elements to which they can be applied .
26 The concrete 's spalling , the reinforcement is being attacked and we 've looked at various ways in which they can be repaired or replaced .
27 But the situations in which they can be carried out are few .
28 The system of credited contributions covers the situation where individuals are precluded through no fault of their own from making payments , because there is no income from which they can be paid .
29 finally , the node information can be perturbed only once , which involves creating a node table into which the perturbed nodes are stored as they are read in , and from which they can be retrieved in later references to the same node .
30 A triangle is not a material thing , but a shape which material things may have , an arrangement into which they can be put .
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