Example sentences of "[pron] do [be] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Everything I do is for them .
2 Liverpool Labour group member George Knibb said : ‘ What we are asking you to do is for what you believe in for the miners to commit yourselves to for your own workforce . ’
3 What I want you to do is in your couples I want one of you to pretend that one of you 's got a grievance okay , think about it before you do it .
4 This year 's chairman of the Pimlico Connection , Giancarlo Marcheselli , was curious to know what teaching would be like , and thought it would be a way of doing something useful to complement the years as a student ‘ where everything you do is for yourself ’ .
5 ‘ Everything they did was for their business .
6 Everything they do is for their children .
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