Example sentences of "[pron] do [adv] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure someone like Graeme Souness at Liverpool feels like I do when our teams lose , but expectations change when you 're at the top compared to the bottom .
2 although having said that I 'll know that if I do well its mine , its in my own , own work , which I think is probably better because when it comes to it you do n't get any help on the day do ya ?
3 I have to marry you because if I do n't my father could die ! ’
4 I do n't my children would crawl away from home .
5 I make the beds first thing in the morning , but on Thursday I do enough shopping for Friday , so that on Friday I do n't go out , I do all my housework .
6 Sony DTC-1000 DAT machine ‘ I do all my demo mixes onto it .
7 I did both my sentences at Cookham Wood : I was only on remand at Holloway .
8 What 'e did ter my dad after 'im workin' fer the man all those years was enough , apart from anyfing else . ’
9 ‘ Will you do up my kneepads ? ’ asked Perdita .
10 ‘ Why do you do up your hair in those tortured plaits , now , Melanie ?
11 ‘ If you do n't know him , what on earth are — were — you doing aboard his yacht ? ’
12 Because you had to have the stern anchor to keep the buckets off the face of what you was dredging cos if you did n't your dredge 'd go ahead too much and er you had big problems there and you would n't be able to dredge .
13 Mind you do n't your tongue with that I tell you what they had in er Woolies market as well , I do n't know whether you 've seen them and I do n't , I 've not got you know an old Argos catalogue to compare prices , cos they 've not got it in the summer one , but they have them in the winter ones , it 's like a , a tool box , but it 's on wheels and you make it up , you , you know all the screws and the wheels come out and you 're not , it 's all plastic , I think it must be from age three , because of the little bits , and it 's like erm , I 've seen it somewhere , where I 've been , it has little figures sat in this erm , what would you , it 's like erm , a bit like a truck , yeah , and it 's got the , the figures in it
14 If you do badly your house master couple of people and all this sort of nonsense .
15 Yet as she did so their eyes met , and it was all there in those brown depths .
16 There was no point telling Mom that , because whenever she did so her mother just told her that everyone needed to study and her grades would drop if she stopped .
17 ‘ To me , if the kitchen 's not smelling of delicious food then there 's something wrong at home , ’ says Sheila , who does all her cooking herself .
18 We do n't her Cambricks nor her Ruffles tear ;
19 We do all our drinking in private , you see , in the family .
20 She also gets him to do up her buttons on her dress .
21 They waited for the priest to pass along with the thin wafer of bread and while they did so their hands were like this , cupped and raised in a gesture that might be offering or receiving .
22 the foresters attach to come before them men who work in their own ground , making ‘ hoes ’ to sow corn , although the King had no demesne there : and they say that they have made waste and purpresture if they do not their will for having peace ; from each man holding land they will have the skin of a lamb or a farthing , and they say that is their fee .
23 Er , my dad said he 's voted Liberal Democrat , but he did n't my mum voted Labour she 's
24 and as he did so his bow tie lit up ; the small red stones were really lights .
25 Martin strode quickly towards him , picked up the phone , said , ‘ Yes ? ’ then listened ; and as he did so his head began to move in small jerks as he looked from side to side .
26 As he did so his wife raised her eyebrows as if at some freakish aberration .
27 As he did so his hand accidentally brushed against her bare leg , and suddenly she was aware of how little difference there was between the shorts she was wearing now and the swimsuit she had worn earlier .
28 If it did n't our culture would change , as we would n't have the energy and drive to be as busy as we are without coffee and alcohol . ’
29 He does all his work by telephone and letter and computer .
30 Ah well actually he 's provided for because there is a sum of money left in trust for him so it does just my daughter I wanted
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