Example sentences of "[pron] they [am/are] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 at the end of their they 're only gon na
2 Police do n't believe the abduction 's linked with a string of of sex attacks in Milton Keynes which they 're still investigating , but they are warning women to be on their guard .
3 The obvious difficulty with behaviouristic accounts of mental states is that , although in a way they do provide what was wanted , i.e. an account of mental states in which they are non-contingently related to behaviour , still they appear to ignore everything that is characteristically mental .
4 ‘ It is , perhaps , not too much to ask on their behalf for a period of calm during which they can reassert , each in his and her own way , the tradition of public service to which they are clearly dedicated . ’
5 DAVID HUME in 1757 wrote ‘ There is a universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves and transfer to every object those qualities with which they are intimately acquainted and of which they are intimately conscious . ’
6 The confusion of private and personal property as the subject of criticism has led most people , who for good reason wish to defend property with which they are intimately associated also to defend institutions which may result in their alienation from such property .
7 But if this is so , it is very mysterious that we have no vocabulary to describe the sensations as they are in their own nature , apart from the conditions in which they are normally produced .
8 The term ‘ pillar ’ indicates the purpose for which they are well suited — tying and training to a pillar , pole , tree stump or whatever — although of course they will also do quite well on a fence or wall .
9 The ‘ finished ’ sentences with which they are implicitly contrasted are an artefact of writing .
10 ‘ where two or more persons are jointly entitled to a deposit … each of them shall be treated as having a separate deposit of an amount produced by dividing the amount of the deposit to which they are jointly entitled by the number of persons who are so entitled .
11 I believe profoundly in all these things , it goes without saying ; my difficulty lies in knowing how defensible they are in the form in which they are visibly institutionalized in the anglophone academy .
12 When we are dealing with hard , brittle crystals , however , the practical strength is generally even lower than that of bulk glass and in their crude state most of the non-metallic crystals deserve the contempt with which they are generally regarded by engineers .
13 Brittle substances in common use include glass , pottery , bricks , cement and some plastics and these are fairly satisfactory for the purposes for which they are generally used .
14 If crime and disorder follow a U-shape pattern of long-term change , the legitimacy of the police — the extent to which they are broadly accepted as valid in mission and methods — has followed an inverse path : an upside-down U. Starting from the widespread opposition encountered at the birth of the new police , opposition gradually came to be located primarily within the less ‘ respectable ’ sections of the working class , as well as in the wider working class during periods of labour conflict .
15 Professor Andrew Greeley extended this by drawing attention to the special sensitivity of the sufferers , by which they are easily hurt , which he found often resulted from an unhappy childhood .
16 There are a large number of variables influencing the effectiveness of a work-group and the extent to which they are effectively managed will determine how far groups , coalitions and regular meetings become teams .
17 Integrity therefore fuses citizens ' moral and political lives : it asks the good citizen , deciding how to treat his neighbour when their interests conflict , to interpret the common scheme of justice to which they are both committed just in virtue of citizenship .
18 Although it is not always possible to match jobs perfectly with aptitude , use should be made of the strength and expertise of senior staff in the jobs to which they are best suited ; their enthusiasm will spread to assistants and a higher level of general motivation will result .
19 They see the heat of the candle which looks like something to which they are instinctively attracted — perhaps a food plant , or a flower , or a member of the opposite sex .
20 Utterances about literature make sense , and are generally understood , within the form of life in which they are habitually made .
21 Scabies mites are best adapted to foxes and goats , but they will infest humans , and like dust mites , to which they are closely related , they cause an allergic reaction .
22 Important though these changes in the nature of the tax resistance movement are , however , perhaps it would be a mistake to view them as an isolated phenomenon , and to try to assess their moral and legal implications without also addressing some even more fundamental contemporary political , economic and social developments with which they are closely associated .
23 With this in mind historians need to do three things.They must give greater publicity to the electronic methodologies which they are already using .
24 Accordingly , the proposed Second Banking and Investment Services Directives prohibit member states from subjecting firms from other member states which wish to set up branches or provide cross-border services in their jurisdiction to their own authorisation requirements in the case of activities for which they are already authorised by their home member state .
25 inform about society , thus continuing the induction of pupils which they are already experiencing into the tradition which is theirs by virtue either of birth or of taking up residence in a country .
26 Those who do not want change are , however , unlikely to wish to leave a system in which they are already working .
27 Here is an area where the balance of advantage has changed since 1979 , from union leaders to employers and managers and from the consultative role granted to the unions to one in which they are virtually ignored by the government .
28 Having taken advantage of 100pc relief he claims they not only bought tackle which ‘ has mainly stood idle ever since ’ but did so with borrowed money on which they are still paying interest 10 years on .
29 Fabula ( the ‘ story ’ ) refers to the chronological sequence of events , and syuzhet ( the ‘ plot ’ ) to the order and manner in which they are actually presented in the narrative .
30 Of orchids , euglossines visit some 625 species in 55 genera , especially in the subtribes Stanhopeinae and Catasetinae ; they also visit some Gesneriaceae and a number of Araceae as well as rotting logs , to which they are possibly attracted by fungi .
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