Example sentences of "[pron] they [be] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well , fire officer 's training does take in a lot of architectural work , you know the safety of buildings and the way in which they 're put up , the materials that are used , the strength and the strength of materials and the fire resistance of materials , all that comes into their work .
2 two or three , you can have a look at what they the way in which they 're put together which why I .
3 And the amount of statutory maternity pay to which they 're entitled also depends on how long they 've worked for the same employer .
4 Can I go to this thing about which they 're sounding so enthusiastic ?
5 The two most important decision areas in educational planning are to decide how many children should be provided for in the school system at what ages and levels , and to decide the purpose for which they are sent there .
6 Mr Atkinson estimates that Japan 's 21 most important commercial banks — including the seven trust banks and the three long-term credit banks , all in far worse condition than the city banks — have a total of ¥31 trillion of loans on which they are receiving either puny interest or no interest at all .
7 More recently , the concept of ‘ going native ’ in the Washington bureaucracy , referring to the tendency of officials appointed ( directly or indirectly ) by the president to adopt the values of the bureaus to which they are appointed rather than those of the man who appointed them , is a further example of the importance of socialisation factors as a source of values .
8 It is a model towards which they are moving away from —
9 The only difference will be the degree of E minor which they are built on .
10 This is when the bream are feeding very confidently , usually on maggots which they are picking up directly from the bottom , much as a chicken picks up corn one grain after another without having to move too far to do it .
11 For example , with the exception of contexts in which they are presented contrastively , pronouns , being context-dependent , always carry a low degree of CD irrespective of where they occur in the clause .
12 Some of these recordings are now being used by the YCCC as evidence in the legal actions which they are taking out against the city and tannery , and some of the recordings have been played back to other community groups in similar situations but who have not developed their thinking to the extent of the YCCC .
13 It involves close cooperation between central and local authorities and is designed to ensure that large scale developments bring the greatest possible benefit to the areas in which they are sited through , for example , the use of local labour and materials .
14 These were truths and remain so in spite of the fallacious ideological baggage with which they are mixed up .
15 ‘ I do not know whether homosexuals are born homosexuals or acquire that trait because of the way in which they are brought up ...
16 The way in which the three parts of Hobbes 's system are meant to hang together and the methodology by which they are worked out in detail is , of course , most fully explained in its first part , De Corpore .
17 Unfortunately , many of the ideas on which they are working simply disappear into the black hole of the Ministry of Agriculture . ’
18 Only experience of such an exercise can reveal how different are the views of individuals about the situation in which they are working together .
19 the types of course on which they are working e.g. some staff are teaching groups composed entirely of bilingual students while others have small numbers of bilingual students in groups of mostly English-speaking students .
20 I note that County are preparing a town centre enhancement scheme which they are doing where there 's a conflict clearly between the traffic and the pedestrian .
21 The major provisions allow companies the option of producing their accounts in Ecus in addition to the currency in which they are drawn up .
22 To do so would seriously undermine our understanding of how people are not only constrained by , but also through their actions change , the deeper structures in which they are caught up .
23 In Chapter 1 we argued that conscious awareness , the images and representations that people use to communicate with each other and the various forms of deliberate planning and foresight which they use are all partly a result of the myriad social relationships in which they are caught up , and partly a product of deep-rooted instincts and emotions .
24 He goes on to expound the precision with which the cogs and springs of a watch are fashioned , and the intricacy with which they are put together .
25 Such discrimination is contrary to the principle of equal treatment of men and women regarding access to employment , which requires the setting up of a single list of successful candidates , without any regard to their sex , according to the marks obtained , and the hiring from this list according to the marks , irrespective of the candidates ' sex and the needs invoked by the employer , except in cases of occupational activities for which , by reason of their nature or the context in which they are carried out , the sex of the worker constitutes a determining factor .
26 An important qualification is that we are looking at groups of professionals and the manner in which they are organised rather than at individual teachers — at this latter level there can be little doubt that many individual teachers do respond to client needs despite the structure around them .
27 The markets in which they are sold often include a small number of very large customers , such as , for example in the UK : * fuel oil — Ministry of Defence , British Railways ; P & O , Sealink and other large shipping companies ( etc ) ; * paint — Central and local government authorities , British Railways , car manufacturers ( etc ) .
28 Taking the second point first , no there is no implied priority erm accorded to any of the criteria erm reflected in the order in which they are set out .
29 Milton has suggested then that the extreme diversity of plant foods in tropical forests and the way in which they are distributed there in space and time has been a major selective force in the development of advanced cerebral complexity in certain higher primates .
30 They are disclosed above in the year in which they are paid rather than the one in which they are earned .
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